Magi Silverwolf

  • Titanic Hearts

    A year and a day can be a long time or it can pass in the blink of an eye. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Loyal Puppies

    As first meetings went, theirs could have gone worse. Remus still could have done without being knocked down, though. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Acceptance is Key

    Sometimes the very thing that you never knew you had wanted, you get and all you need for happiness is to accept it. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Loyal in Love

    Zillah was not going to let anything come between her and her children. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Love in Preparation

    There was no greater height of joy than anticipating a new addition to the family. But sometimes, heights are dangerous to be at. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Sparks to Ignite

    A man who would represent himself in a court of law has a fool for a client. Luckily, Harry is no fool and Sirius' favorite cousin became a barrister. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • The Discovery

    Harry just wanted to go to bed and cuddle. What he found was horribly not what he expected. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Safe Enough

    Sometimes life is just accepting that things have to be enough. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • The Greater Will

    After years of asking for one, Albus Dumbledore finally managed to gain an audience with the great Oracle of Delphi. He did not appreciate what she had to tell him. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Determination without End

    Pomona Sprout loved all her cubs, but when Harry Potter is sorted into her sett, it feels more like her world is ending. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Differential Definitions

    Sometimes the definition of things are just different. That's perfectly fine because that is what makes things finally perfect. (MC4A fill)

  • Nobody's Freak

    Harry was a freak. His family had never hidden that from him. He had been lucky that Ron & Hermione hadn't figured out what he was because nobody wanted freaks. Luna knew the moment she met him, of course. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Dogged

    Sometimes running away is the best thing to do. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Entitled

    Some things are privileges. Other things are just what one is entitled to. It had always been messed up in Harry's case. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Gilded Lily

    Alice loved things which glittered, especially the brilliance of Lily Evans. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • A Forest of More

    Sometimes it's just impossible to see the forest for the trees and sometimes it's just as impossible to see what's right in front of you. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Meaningless Existence

    It's an incredibly exciting thing, this one meaningless existence. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Untold Fairy Tale

    Fairy tales don't tell children that dragons exist. Children are rarely the ones so blind as to not see them. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Lightning

    The best things come into one's life like lightning and was as strong as a triangle. Seamus knew that best. (HC fill; MC4A fill)

  • Amor Fati

    Xenophilius fell in love at first sight. But then, who wouldn't? (HC fill; MC4A fill)