
  • Tangled - Flower Boy

    Eugene couldn't be happier with his son, with whom he planned to share everything. However after a rat bite, his son has fallen terribly ill and he isn't expected to survive. Lamenting on this, Eugene suddenly remembers that at times like this, one usually needs a miracle... Or in his case, a long shot chance that a certain magical flower still lives within himself... Oneshot.

  • Kristoff x Anna - A Perfect Day

    Life gets boring for a princess, being cooped up inside all the time. Kristoff decides to take Anna out for the day, to revive the excitement in her life. And where would a better place be, than deep in the forest, and surrounded by snow? Just like they met! Fluffy oneshot. Kristoff x Anna.

  • Princely Perfect - A Southern Isles Poem

    The thirteen princes of The Southern Isles are very peculiar, each with their own styles, tastes, habits and way. Each of them are honored with a couple of rhyming couplets in this short little number. A character intro-like poem, according to my OC designs.

  • FlynnxRapunzel - The Missing Piece

    One hundred unfinished pictures. Weeks of useless art block. Materials, wasted and worn down to the bone. Rapunzel just couldn't work out what was missing from each little piece she'd worked on so far. Eugene stumbles upon them, to her dismay but perhaps he might know what's REALLY missing from the several, overly flattering and practically perfect pictures of him. All 100 of them.

  • Hans x Elsa - We're Free

    Hans saw his opportunity to kill her, but then she looked into his eyes... He saw himself in her, and understood her sorrow, and her longing to simply be free. Rated T for sensitive topics and blood.

  • HansxAnna I Love Crazy

    This story is set in an alternate universe in which Hans was only about to kill Elsa in the hopes that by ending the winter he would also unfreeze Anna's heart since their 'true love kiss' didn't work. Though not 'true love' however, they believe it is still, at least 'real love' and so it's worth a shot. HansxAnna, ElsaxHans's Brother. Set five years after Frozen

  • Frosted Scales - A Big Four Adventure

    Jack got into a little bit of trouble with the Witch in the Woods of Dun Broch and before he is able to escape, she transforms him into a dragon so that he can never manipulate the snow and frost again! Or so she thought! Join the big four buddies as they try to find a way to change Jacks fate and much much more! No pairings aside from canon ones, and references are made to Frozen.

  • Kristoff x Anna - In the Royal Stables

    As they awoke on this particularly warm and intimate morning, the adoring couple couldn't fight back their romantic bliss, and since words were not enough to express it, they decided that actions would suffice... For the second time over... in the humblest of settings. A simple empty stable, and a soft bed of hay.

  • Kristanna A Chip Off the Ice Block

    Things couldn't get worse for Kristoff. It's his wedding day, but he's soaked with melted snow and stranded in the forest, with no sleigh and Sven is at home where the ceremony is starting in three hours. However, his prayer is answered as a stranger accidentally hits him with his sleigh. It turns out to be the best decisions to hitchhike that Kristoff has ever made.

  • Disney Princess Next Gen - Snow White

    Constance and True are twins but they are very different as most twins often are. Constance is constantly happy or at least positive with a dreamy and innocent outlook on life. They balance each other out but as a consequence the king and queen have witnessed their humble castle transformed into a national debate column but that's not to say it's too unpleasant. Its just difficult!

  • Disney Princess Next Gen - Cinderella

    Richard is a pretty easy going guy. He's a doer, and he loves helping people out, even if it means he gets walked all over by others, be it intentional or not. He worries about his cousin, who's more like an annoying sister. Kitty is eccentric, and a bit obnoxious, spoiled on the riches of life, but truly she means no ill will against anyone or anything.

  • Disney Princess Next Gen - Sleeping Beauty

    Prince Darius, the son of Aurora and Phillip is a curious soul, always getting into trouble, and a bit of a sticky beak. He was cursed at birth with an affinity for bad luck, following him whenever he becomes too inquisitive. In other words, the term 'curiousity killed the cat' is fitting in his situation. He's not allowed to leave the castle grounds because of it.

  • Hans: Thoughts of a Fallen Angel

    When you've been sentenced to life in prison, you have a lot of time to think about what you did, why you did it and what you lost. What you could have had and what you only now realise was so much more important. Hans sees that it's not "if only someone loved Anna" it's "if only someone loved him"... if only Anna loved him. One sided Hanna. Oneshot. Please review

  • Hans: My Own Place

    In an A.U. world where Hans was actually in love with Anna, He attempts to break the curse, but alas their love isn't true enough, so Hans decides it's time to end the winter that took his princess away. One Sided Hanna shipping. Oneshot. Please review!