
ms. commas and ampersands

  • So Be It

    The first day after Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban as witnessed by a highly unlikely source.

  • God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriff

    What exactly do Sirius and Remus consider a drinking song?

  • Song of the Wanderer

    What is the song of a wandering man? Is it some tune that he remembers fondly from a time gone by? Or has that tune become so bitter that he can no longer hear it? And so he walks alone... and in silence.

  • Life among the Dead

    Frozen inside without your touch and without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead...

  • Plain and Simple

    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

  • Reflections in the Dark

    -COMPLETE- They looked so surprised... so damn surprised...