
  • Gensokyo Military Academy

    In the aftermath of the War of the Twin Earths, the Gensokyo Military Academy was established as the top tier military academy in the world. Now, various survivors of the war pass on their skills and knowledge to the new generation.

  • Fire Team RWBY

    4 Warriors, brought together under unlikely circumstances, to form the perfect team of assassins. They are Fire Team RWBY, ANBU Special Operations Unit Alpha.

  • Tales of Team Fortress RWBY

    A collection of various interactions between characters of the universes of RWBY and Team Fortress Two. Inspired by TheTechRambler on youtube, whom I obtained permission to create this story. Chapter One: Nora and the Demoman.

  • HOTD The American Front

    As the events of the Apocalypse spread its tendrils throughout the world, the survivors of Fujimi High School embark on their journey to survive The Outbreak of Them. Yet as they escape, what of the rest of the world? here, we follow a self insert into the world of HOTD, In America's perspective. (Rating may go up due to potential levels of gore, language, and violence.)

  • Kill La Back

    In the last hours of the second Life Fibers Invasion, Ryuko activates a forbidden technique to return to the past, to her father's death day. With the knowledge of the future and Senketsu back on her self, she sets off on a new journey, one that will change the world and beyond.

  • Hell's Reaper

    A young girl, chosen by fate to become a killing machine. Through her new life, she will experience many tragedies. During her time at Beacon Academy, a sinister plot begins to form... Runs alongside Corrupted Timelines, but will intersect later.

  • The Sunflower Wilts

    A short perspective of Rico. Takes place during Emilio's death. One Shot.

  • The Final Battle

    -Spoilers, view at your own discretion- After Madoka's wish, World War III occurred. Running parallel to the war of Humans, was the war of the Demons and Magi. This is their story. -One Shot, maybe more if people want it-