A Donut. Just One

  • Hawwy Pottew and the Phiwosophew's Stowne

    As they ran away from Filch, the three Gryffindors found themselves trapped in a dead end, the doors ahead of them locked. "Wet me twy!" Hermione said. "I know a speww to unwock it!" She pointed her wand at the lock. "Awo- awohamow- awohawmwa- amwohamawa- f***!" Hermione cursed. — AU where everything's the same except Hogwarts starts at age 6 and I let the kids swear.

  • Order of Nox

    Harry reappears with Cedric's body. Looking back over the past four years, Hermione realizes that this could so easily have been prevented, if only adults were not so thoroughly and consistently useless

  • Green Eyes, Silver Trim

    C'mon, Rowling, do you REALLY expect us to believe Harry could go through what he did at the Dursley's with so little psychological damage? Your version of him is a tad bit unrealistic. How about Harry who's a bit more... Slytherin. And actually shows signs of having been abused. And a Gryffindor Draco. Yeah, that's better. Years 1-7. Updated whenever I have energy.

  • The Pixie Effect

    If Sirius Black had received a trial, things may have gone quite differently. Years 1-4. Updated weekly on Saturday.

  • Blood of the Generations

    Muggleborn Sara Williams and her friend Anna Malfoy fight for freedom and equality generations after the events of the Harry Potter series. An era of peace is over, and the ministry is under fascist control. Only Sara and Anna can lead the revolution. See also: The visions of generations by ChaoticSisters, same story from the perspective of Thalia Hoffman.