Based on the Elementary episode 'No Lack of Void': with some help from Molly, Sherlock says goodbye to a dear friend.
Sherlock enlists Molly's help in distracting a suspect, only to be dissatisfied with the result. Implied Sherlolly.
From my 'Imagine Paric...' prompt: Pam meets Godric for the first time and Eric gets a little jealous.
For avikingandhisheartbrokenqueen: After Season 3, Pam demands some answers.
An 'and Molly makes three' drabble: Every year Pam sets aside one evening to remember Bertie (see 'Terms of Endearment' and 'Secrets')
Set during S3 and (mostly) relating to Sherlock's 'bolt-hole': There are some things that only Molly is allowed to see. Implied/Pre-Sherlolly.
For beautywithin22: A simple stakeout becomes a catalyst for change between Michael and Jackie.
Sherlock and Molly spend Valentine's Day together (I had planned/hoped to post this earlier but better late than never, eh?)
During 'His Last Vow,' Sherlock decides he owes Molly an apology.
The conclusion to 'Sixes & Sevens' and 'I Still Need You,' set immediately after the latter: Sherlock is off the plane and en route to check on the only thing that matters. Spoilers for series 3.