
  • In Ancient Egypt

    Details Sherman and Penny using the WABAC to go to Ancient Egypt, arriving there, and Penny refusing to leave; forcing Sherman to go back to the present and get Peabody's help.

  • The Rescue Aftermath

    Details what happened after Penny was rescued from marrying Tut by Mr. Peabody and Sherman.

  • Gone But Not Forgotten

    What if Mr. Peabody and Sherman never came back after saving the time space continuum?

  • Got to Get Back

    Set after the Trojan horse fell into the ocean. Details how Mr. Peabody survived (at least how I think he survived) and how he got back to the present.

  • Dog Whistle

    In the movie Penny took Sherman's dog whistle away and blew it. What if Mr. Peabody had heard it?

  • Shattered

    RC, Randall's younger brother, recounts the story of how Randall changed during his first year at MU and how it has left him in a state of depression. And the only one who can possibly help RC out of his depression is the person who's change lead him to it.

  • Anniversary

    Randall Boggs and Vanessie Loch celebrate the one-year anniversary of their first date.