

  • Devoted, Distrust

    Lavender means distrust - but it also means devoted. Parvati just forgot that. Freeverse

  • Falling In Love At A Street Corner

    In a world without Voldemort, Harry Potter falls in love with Delphine Malfoy the moment he sets eyes on her, at age five.

  • Strings of Fate

    If all started when Harry noticed the red string tied around his pinkie finger. Harry/Draco, fusion with the legend of the red string of fate. AU, slight language.

  • lotus flower

    She's not in Gryffindor for a reason - so all she can do is watch the blonde girl with the bright smile from a distance. Freeverse.

  • Seven Years With You

    It takes them seven years to find each other. Freeverse

  • Moonstruck

    Theodore Nott knew that the public would forgive the children of the death Eaters soon, but he never expected the process of forgiveness to start so soon, and definitely not with her. Now a series of related drabbles.

  • All This And Heaven Too

    In which Percy does not understand that it's possible to be attracted to people at one time. onesided PercyOliver and PercyMarcus

  • Nowhere Left

    They find Pansy Parkinson's body in the morning. :: Implied suicide, implied mental illness

  • Necessary

    You watch her from afar - because she's necessary to you. ::ParvatiLavender, femmeslash and freeverse::

  • Neutral

    In the end, it is not Charity Burbage's life that matters, but her death.

  • The Importance Of Coffee

    Harry, Draco, Ginny and a pot of coffee. / Or the one in which the importance of coffee cannot be overstated. Pre-slash if you've got you shippy goggles on (like me!)

  • A History Of Angels

    Really, it was all Harry's fault. ::The start to a RonPansy romance. AU, EWE::

  • Necks To You

    If there was one thing Lorcan d'Eath knew about better than any other, it was prejudice. / A story about one of the wizards found on JKR's Wizard of the Month feature that ran on her site till 2007.

  • Melted Chocolate And Abandoned Classrooms

    Pansy's tired of seeing Draco stare at Harry's lips. Ron and Hermione are tired of listening to Harry whine about his feelings for Draco. Oh, and it's all jump-started by melted chocolate. / Or, first kisses in abandoned classrooms, caused by meddling friends.

  • Her Fault

    She could see their blood, staining her hands. / Andromeda Tonks was never quite the same after the war.

  • Fairytales End

    To an outsider, their relationship seemed perfect. Prince Charming and his princess. But fairytales only end with happily ever after. What happens after that part? You don't always go on to marry your first love, and the first person you lose your heart to isn't always The One.

  • Black Luck

    Can there be too much of a good thing? He never thought he could be too lucky, that he would grow tired of it. ::For Amber::

  • Service

    "The Dark Lord had called for her, and she would answer, no matter what he wished of her" ::Bellamort, smut. Rated M for a reason.::

  • Stars and Flowers

    "But the two of them together / They are flame." ::RonHermione, freeverse. For Empress::

  • Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

    Given the chance to look into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see? ::A oneshot series:: ::Latest chapter - Hermione Granger::