Clockwork's Apprentice

  • How I Lived and Died

    Screaming- that was all he remembered from the day he died. It would always haunt him, but with help of an old friend, he finds a new life (well afterlife) in Bayville without knowing just what awaits there.

  • Coffee For Two

    With James 'Bucky' Barnes back, he's bound to have some issues- issues that he can't get over on his own. So Fury enlists the help of a woman named Gywn 'Gear' Gia, who specializes in making people better. Of course that's not her official job, but she had a heck of a habit of doing it anyway. POST- WINTER SOLIDER

  • Dark Love

    There was much more to the world what they knew about for beyond their dimension, there laid another where the demons lived. Yet what happens when a demon in disguise finds herself on a journey in the dimension where Aida lays and finds herself joining Aida's team? To make it even worse, the romance blossoming between her and one of her newfound teammates are complicating things.

  • Exorcise My Heart

    She had a gift- though she thought it more of a curse. The 'gift' in question- the ability to see and talk to ghosts. She wasn't crazy, though she wish that she were sometimes since that would things easier. Instead, she has to deal with the ghosts, crushes, high school, and let's not forget- not all ghosts were exactly good ghosts especially the one at Sweet Amoris High School.

  • Stories Of The Dead

    We all know how Danny Fenton became Phantom, but what about Desire? Ember? Ghostwriter? Walker? Clockwork? How did the ghosts of the Ghost Zone… become the ghosts of the Ghost Zone?

  • That Ghost Kid

    When Sam saw the ring, she wondered who Wes was…Wes was just the Casper High basketball star, who unluckily did resemble the ghost boy. Maybe that was why he seemed to be the only person who connected the dots between Fenton and Phantom- unfortunately everyone has yet to believe him.

  • The Phantom

    He wasn't a hero- far from it… So why should he change his mind when he meets some team?

  • Love In Time

    Clockwork may be the Master Of Time, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't get lonely. When a young woman appears in his lair, injured, he was quick to help…

  • All For A Book

    Data, Clockwork's young apprentice, is given a mission, a rather simple one- watch Ouran Academy to make sure that Ghostwriter, who wanted more information for a book he was writing, didn't screw everything up. Of course, what happens- he went and screwed everything up.

  • Walker's Love

    When Walker first saw her, he thought she was a lost angel… Only to find that she was- she was his angel, that same angel that he knew and loved when he was still alive.

  • Little Black Notebook

    The little black notebook of Kyoya's has always been a subject people are thinking about. Some say it's his dairy. Some say it's a Death Note. Some say that it holds everyone's deepest darkest secrets in it. So what happens when Crystal finally gets a hold of it?

  • Where The Body Lays

    AU- Phantom is literally Danny's disembodied spirit and when he 'goes ghost', his body just falls limp- not even breathing. As a result, he not only has a reputation for 'sleeping' in class but Tucker and Sam have to hide his body from everyone when he's ghost fighting but what happens when they're gone and Lancer tries to wake up Danny only to find that he's not breathing.

  • Walking On Sunshine

    Now I'm walking on sunshine, I'm walking on sunshine. And it's starting to feel good…I used to love that song and now I find it a cruel irony. Either way, here I was in a new town, at a new high school and to make matters worse, there was a no way in heck that I can go up and down all those stairs with this wheelchair.