
galaxies in her eyes

  • Always

    Unrequited love is a terrible thing.

  • Purpose In Death

    Dolores was killed by Neville Longbottom's stupid plant. Now she's a ghost, and determined to get her revenge. Horrible crack!fic.

  • His Very Own Happy Ending

    Severus/Hermione get-well fic for LittleTee.

  • Cards and Breakfast Messes

    Fred and George make a card for Mother's Day, and attempt to cook breakfast.

  • Numbering Insanity

    "Death is but a small price to pay for this relief."

  • Once Upon a Starry Night

    Lucius isn't there for his son's birth.

  • Never Forgotten

    "The voices murmur to him: You will never be forgotten." Jack the Ripper!AU.

  • Library Kisses

    "He mused that perhaps he needed to start visiting the library more often. Especially if this was his reward!"

  • Pleasantly Unexpected

    "It wasn't what she'd expected after the war — not by a long shot — but she was certainly glad it had happened the way it had."

  • The Wand Chooses the Wizard

    Garrick Ollivander made a special wand with an uncommon core and a not-often-used wood. Who will be the master of this wand?

  • Runaway Blessings

    Ginny/Luna royal!AU. For Audrey.

  • Everything

    She was his everything.

  • Hope Springs Eternal

    Short, fluffy Jily birthday fic for Lucy Dawn. Happy BD!

  • Images

    Hermione is self-conscious about her appearance. Written for Hogwarts (Challenges and Assignments).

  • Under Cover

    "Care?" Hermione raised her eyebrows. "No, you idiot. I like you. Now get over here so I can kiss you again."

  • For Friends

    Lavender is finally going to tell Parvati she loves her. Written for The Golden Snitch, St Chocolate's Day challenge.

  • Forget My Past

    "You gotta get with my friends." Draco meets Harry and Ron for the first time as Hermione's boyfriend. Written for Hogwarts (Challenges and Assignments), Pop Music Chart Day.

  • My One Desire

    "You were the one thing that kept me going. Your face was the one I wished to see when I died. Oh, yes, I knew that I was going to die. I wished it upon myself." Written for Hogwarts (Challenges and Assignments), Pop Music Chart Day.

  • It Hurts

    "Everything will be alright. The loss will always be there, reminding you that he's gone, but at least you still have memories of him. That is the most important thing to remember. Don't forget him." Written for Hogwarts (Challenges and Assignments), Pop Music Chart Day.

  • I've Had Enough

    Ron is not the faithful fiancé everyone thinks he is... Written for Hogwarts (Challenges and Assignments), Pop Music Chart Day.