Brambleshadow of WindClan

  • Not One of Us

    "Born in grief. Raised in hate. Helpless to defy his fate. Let him run, let him live, but do not forget what we cannot forgive. And he is not one of us. He has never been one of us. He is not part of us. . . ." [A look in on the Clan's thought's during Tigerclaw's exile. Set during FoS.]

  • Going Under: Part 1: Lipstick Lies

    [Dark!Doctor, Ten/Martha] "You gotta admit, you paint a pretty picture. No one would ever suspect you're so adept at the arts. I hear the lonely lovers say you hide behind cosmetic eyes. Kiss 'em off with lipstick lies. . . .You're the Picasso of pain, a fantasy in flesh tone. And though you're never the same, you're never far from the mark. . . "

  • Never Again

    [Set during Planet of the Dead. Dark!Doctor.] "Never again, isn't that what you said? You'd been through this before, and you swore this time you'd think with your head. No one would ever have you again, and if taking was gonna get done you'd decide where and when."

  • Regenerate Me

    [Co-written with teamfreewilsamdeancas.] Dean, Sam, and Annabelle Winchester witness the Doctor's regeneration for the first time. Well, this can't be good.

  • Dark Lady

    [AU. Rose/Ten/Martha. Based on "Dark Lady" by Cher.] "Dark lady laughed and danced and lit the candles one by one. Danced to her gypsy music till her brew was done. Dark lady played black magic till the clock struck on the twelve. She told me more about me than I knew myself. . . ."

  • The Night's Agents

    When their prime suspect in an ongoing investigation is murdered, the clues lead to a horrifying pattern for Tony and Ziva. [Werewolf AU. Tiva]