

  • is it true what they say (that words are weapons)

    Jemma learns of Ward's escape approximately two seconds before he saves her life. (Or, the one in which Jemma plays den mother to nine traumatized cadets, Ward has an agenda, and HYDRA might just end up destroying itself without any help from SHIELD.)

  • and it won't help you (to calm the swelling tide)

    Four phone calls that happened during "no matter where we are (i will keep you in my heart)" and one that happened after.

  • run as fast as you can (and we'll make it out alive)

    It's her first bit of good luck in one year, eleven months, and three days. [Or, that time a zombie apocalypse prevented the HYDRA uprising.]

  • i'm not falling in love (i'm just falling to pieces)

    She wants nothing more than to be alone. (This is a lie.)

  • ten minutes later

    Ten minutes after the end of 2x10: "What They Become." Fix-it fic. [Contains spoilers for the midseason finale.]

  • the uprising (redux)

    Grant, Trip, and Bobbi are undercover when SHIELD falls. [As the title suggests, takes place in the same verse as "a fractured house (redux)", but you shouldn't need to read that to understand this.]

  • you've already got me (under your spell)

    Five universes in which Jemma Simmons and Grant Ward were forced to marry, and the one in which they weren't (but did it anyway).

  • i'll spend my days (running after your heart)

    Grant Ward wakes with the knowledge that someone entered his room while he slept. (Takes place in the same universe as no matter where we are, but you shouldn't need to read that to understand this.) [For sapphireglyphs.]

  • no matter where we are (i will keep you in my heart)

    Jemma plans to join a field team. Her husband thinks it's a terrible idea. (Technically follows my Married in Vegas drabble, but you don't need to read that first.)

  • don't give up (don't grow old)

    Lydia Ward has problems, too. Her overprotective father is less than ten percent of them. [Part two of the "wild hearts" series]

  • we're arm in arm (as we sing away)

    Left at loose ends in Washington, Jemma and Skye decide to play tourist. It's a little more exciting than they're expecting. (Takes place after chapter twelve of "sometimes (i find it hard to believe)." You may want to read that first.) [Part five of the "before you fall" series]