Ray by Another Name

  • Meet the Parents

    A compilation of drabbles from Henry's time at college with Peter, Felix, and August. This set revolves around his parents' visit for Family Weekend. Roaming 3rd Person POV, Past Tense. Hints at smut, but nothing even remotely graphic. Relationships and ages changed. Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time.

  • It Started in the Elevator

    Ben goes home with Denny after school one day while her father is out of town. Ben's POV, 1st Person. A drabble I've been playing with that I've decided to publish as a one-shot. Set in the same Strange Brew AU as my Backbone story, could been seen as prequel of sorts if you squint. Rated M for smut.

  • Practice

    A short scene of background between Ben and Denny set during Season 2 while Ben is with the rebel skitters. Denny's ability to connect their spikes frustrates Ben and his attempts to control it prove only to worsen his situation. Ben's POV, 1st person, present tense.

  • Age of Aquarius

    Scorpius gets a visit from family during his third year, and like many, he can't say no to his little sister. Rated K, humor fic, and I do not own the song 'Age of Aquarius.'

  • Sneaking Away

    Teddy and Victoire sneak away from a Weasley Family gathering for some "alone" time. M for a reason people! Teddy's POV. Teddy/Victoire pairing.

  • The Closet

    The prequel to "The Bet" is here! This is "The Closet" and is a Scorpius/Rose fic. Rated M for language, suggestions, and actions that the characters perform. Rose and Scorpius have to patrol the castle together, and not everything goes as planned. R&R!

  • The Mind Readers Potion

    Mauraders generation, James/Lily, and it all started with a potion's book in the wrong hands... Rated M for language and obvious suggestion of lemon.

  • A Reason to Go to the Library

    Scorpius Malfoy explains why exactly he spends so much time in the library. Rose/Scorpius. Lemon. Scorpius' POV.

  • Distractions

    Rose missed dinner last night with the family, and her distraction has ideas for breakfast too. Rose/Scorpius. Rated M for sexual behavior. Rose's POV. Previously called Missing Dinner

  • The Muggles Studies Assignment

    Next Generation of Harry Potter. Scorpius and Rose. Majority of it is in Rose's POV, some is in third person though. Sexual Content Warning, don't read if not prepared. One-shot.

  • Sirius is Serious

    The Marauders decide Lily and James need to be given the talk, and Sirus is chosen to be the one to do it. He has a little too much fun. Rated T because it mentions things that are idealogically sensitive. Sirius' POV.