Sequel to Faerydae Rowell and the Mauraders'. Follow the story of Charlotte Black as she navigates her way through her Hogwarts years.
The Evans hadn't been expecting twins. They didn't know what to do, so they do what they think is best.
Daughter of Mary Macdonald and Sirius Black is just beginning her school adventure. How will she react when she finds out her true parentage? What will she do with her extraordinary magical skills?
Liliana Zabini knows what she likes and although she starts off extremely vulnerable she grows and finds out what truly matters to her. then her brother forbids it.
Daughter of Sirius and Aithne Black. Her story is just beginning and she has a talent for causing mischief. She has her friends and her family, but after a series of terrible events at the school and horrific memories resurface. How will she cope? And why does she affect Fred Weasley so much?
The daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. The twin sister of Draco Malfoy. They see her as a very smart girl when she's not ignoring their wishes. She's got her own plans for her life. Her plans do not align with that of the Malfoy ways she was brought up by. Especially when Neville starts paying a bit more attention to her then her family would like.
Voldemort did not kill the Potter's as soon as he got word of the prophecy. Instead he killed them a year later. Delmira was only a few months old when he killed her parents, and all she was left with was her brother Harry. Dumbledore dropped them off with their aunt and uncle. How does her story go? How does she deal with her brother being the one who stopped the Dark Lord?
Aithne Richards is just beginning her Hogwarts story. The only question is can she cope with her studies, her parents and the boy who keeps provoking her. How will she manage?
Faerydae Rowell is starting her life as a witch at Hogwarts, but what will she discover? What hidden secrets will her sisters and her friends uncover?
The Marauder's are just beginning what will become their legacy. The challenges the face are self-made. What will happen as they go through this new life? Will they grow together or apart?