
  • Father

    "He entered her as though he could prove how much he wished to live with the force of his desire, and she clutched at his back as though he were the last vestige of a future that she would never have". A story about consequences and the lives of three people exploring what it means to be a family. 13 years post-Hogwarts. Dramione.

  • In Hindsight

    "Perhaps she hadn't been about to break it off with him as he'd convinced himself. It wasn't striking out first if his was the only strike". Draco Malfoy realises what he's lost only after he's pushed it away, and Merlin is it killing him. A Dramione multi-chapter that's all sweet and sour.

  • First, Do No Harm

    Primum non nocere - first, do not harm. The one abiding rule of medicine. Ironic seeing as Draco Malfoy has done more harm than most in his short life. Ironic seeing as Draco Malfoy is now subject to that one cardinal rule of muggle medicine after having harboured such loathing for the non-magical in his youth. Ironic that she, who he harmed the most, is now under his care.

  • The Twelve Days of Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, the present of misery for under the festive tree. HG/SS One Shot: Hermione is still reeling from the deaths of her closest friends at Christmas time. The unlikeliest of men is there to offer her comfort.

  • Who Is He?

    Hermione is alone, afraid, left to battle her own private war without the help of her friends. A familiar face is at close hand, but is this a source of comfort or terror? She thought she knew him. But just who is he?

  • Staying Up Late

    Hermione Granger is tricked into taking a potion, seemingly harmless enough at first, but resulting in disastrous consequences. Can her Potions Master help her survive? Can she help him to live again? originally a one shot .