Traveling all the time on a ship can be tiresome, but it's a life Mizael's use to, at least he finally gets to see land again, too bad those Aqua members have the same idea as they do— Team Magma/Team Aqua AU. Mizafuu, Diamondshipping, and then some implied ships mentioned inside.
Vector's birthday is today and Durbe insists they throw him a party but Mizael isn't too keen on having to set everything up and especially because Durbe gets the wrong supplies, at least he has backup cake, hopefully Vector's birthday isn't too much of a disaster— Birthday gift fic!
Valentines Day is pointless and Kaito doesn't see why he bothers writing someone a card, or why he has too—he insists it's stupid so he doesn't understand why he stayed up till 2am writing one—High school AU, Oneshot.
Kaito finds he enjoys when Mizael is quiet, but he enjoys watching the blond struggle to be quiet far more than anything else.