

  • Catherine - Sweet Dreams or Beautiful Nightmares (ON HOLD)

    This is my version from the original game itself. From Vincent Brooks fighting for his life in a dream world where some men get killed, to have something to do with the sexy and seduced Catherine to get close to him, and Katherine pressuring him a lot...For his skills and Violet Grey's special gift can stop this nightmare for good. But which of the 3 girls will he fall for...?

  • Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright – The Headless Horseman Turnabout

    From Capcom's awesome video game in solving murder mysteries in court, comes a made up movie-script from a Anime series of mine of love, horror, sci-fi, and a murder mystery of the Headless Horseman to being solved. As Phoenix, Raven, Maya, Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Larry, Ema, Mia in spirit, and others help one reporter out for many clues and danger ahead. With some twist and turns.

  • Resident Evil 4 – Love and Terror

    If you all loved the fourth video game of Resident Evil, then you'll love this one with some added things that are with love, action, adventure, sci-fi, still scary horror in it, and some funny parts too featuring Leon who helps out Ashley and another fighter name Sarah Lamar. Looks like one of the terrorist wants something from that special girl, no good. But Leon to love happy.

  • Devil May Cry 4 'Video Game' – The Ying and Yang

    This story takes place after Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry 1, Devil May Cry Anime series, to Anime series season 2 (that I made up), Devil May Cry 2 'same old game play and still good so nothing much happens in it', and now to this... Devil May Cry 4 with same old characters, game play, made up ones, featuring Kate, Jason, and Alpha Line for Dante and Nero to save the world. Yeah!