

  • Want You In the Worst Way

    He's a vicious werewolf, she's violent and sadistic, and those are their good points. Fenrir and Alecto muddy the waters of love. A drabble collection in 5 parts, now complete.

  • Imperfect Year

    "It's finally over. This horrible year," Harry clarified. The new year means a new beginning, but how do they move forward when the grief over all they've lost still lingers? Harry and Ginny cope, together. H/G, Ginny-centric.

  • What I Want for Christmas

    Theo offers him a home-cooked meal, Blaise offers him Christmas-themed dirty movies, but all Draco wants for Christmas is to reconcile with Hermione.

  • Oddments and Outliers

    A collection of drabbles and ficlets (less than 1000 words) featuring various Harry Potter characters and pairings. Ratings and content vary. #12 Lucius has been married too long to make such a foolish mistake...but he does it anyway. Lucius/Narcissa; #13 Hermione's never been afraid of the press. H/Hr

  • Tinderbox Heart

    Her mother told her once that true love sets one's heart ablaze, and Hermione thinks maybe she was right. Hermione/Fleur

  • Hollywood Ending

    Draco, Hermione, and their own fairy tale. A collection of Dramione drabbles written for a movie-themed Last Drabble Writer Standing competition. Now complete.

  • A Tiny Prayer to Father Time

    There are some things magic can't fix, some promises that can't be kept, and some nightmares we never wake up from: the middle, beginning, and end of Draco and Hermione.

  • Professor Lupin is Always So Nice

    After overhearing something she shouldn't, Ginny will never look at Lupin the same way again. Written for the Awkward Moments Competition with the prompt: "That awkward moment when you walk in on your professors shagging on the desk."

  • Personal Bubble

    After Harry and Ron present Hermione with their suspicions about Draco, she wonders how her best friends ever passed the Auror training program.

  • Tug of War

    Draco's Weasley-phobic, Hermione's hiding in the shower, and Fred is blowing stuff up. Hermione wonders how their relationship will survive if Fred and Draco can't learn to get along. D/H/F

  • Let Freedom Ring

    Where are all the Malfoy's elves? When Lucius is less than pleased about certain changes Hermione makes to the Manor, poor Draco is caught in the middle.

  • Delight in Whatever Remains

    Hannah feels she has spent half her life smiling in her friends' faces as they became parents and then crying behind closed doors. Infertility may be the one battle she and Neville can't win. Neville/Hannah. Warnings for recurrent pregnancy loss.

  • The Weight of Maybe

    How do you move beyond friendship into something more? Is it even worth it when it could cost you your best friend? Scorpius is willing to find out. As for Albus? He's not so sure. Albus/Scorpius

  • First Light

    He spends twenty years floating in darkness and despair until she comes to set him free. Fleur and Bill help Regulus Black cross over to the other side.

  • With No Trace of Fear

    A collection of Seamus/Dean drabbles written for the "5 Drabbles Competition" at HPFC. Now complete. It's always going to be there, all the pain and horror of that terrible year. They just choose to move forward, together. They choose not to dwell on fear.

  • The Long and Short of Me and You

    Rose usually likes being tall, but it's not easy finding someone to dance with when you're taller than all the boys. After a disastrous dance class, Scorpius finds Rose and reminds her height doesn't matter. Rose/Scorpius.

  • More Than Enough

    During a raid, Lucius sees that there is something dangerous stirring within Regulus, something that will take him forever out of reach. Lucius/Regulus. Mild warnings for off-screen DE brutality, a dash of adultery, and mention of an underage relationship.

  • Counting Down Through Darkness Into Light

    Drabble collection, multiple characters, set 7th year. Chapter 5: Sometimes it's better to want than it is to receive. It's a lesson Blaise already learned at home; the new and improved Hogwarts is just reinforcing it.

  • Parting Words

    If Luna is going to fight her way through the train to slip a note to Ginny and Neville before she's kidnapped, they know the message must be an important one. Right?

  • Sweet Silver Bells

    Their first Christmas together isn't everything Hermione hoped it would be.