

  • The Departure of Saint Teresa

    "It was dark when she opened her eyes, not quite so dark though that she could not make out the outlines of some ragged furniture." The man beside her is the last man that will ever matter to Teresa. Slight AU. Rated T for dark themes.

  • In the End, I'll Always Catch You

    When he rushes to catch her, he's falling too - he's been falling for six years. (Falling for her). "In the end, this had always been his favourite part of their show - catching her. Obviously, he'd never admit that, never ever. Not in a million years." Rated T for language (or, possibly, for my paranoia).

  • Down In the Goldfish Bowl

    "Mycroft had always wondered what exactly it was that set him apart from his brother so much, but he'd never been able to tell – until Sherlock went and got himself a goldfish of his own." Drabble.

  • Of Villains and Heroes

    "There was no light without shadow, after all. No one had ever said the shadows wanted to be the dark side, but someone had to do it, and that someone was him. He couldn't escape that. [...] But if the alternative was a broken heart, he'd rather stick with no heart at all." Mid-Season 2 drabble, Damon's POV.

  • The Secret

    "It was hard to pinpoint when exactly Remus's secret was discovered. Perhaps when Remus started to get tangled in his own elaborate lies, when the others found the first continuity errors. Maybe it happened when Sirius stumbled across the moon calendar in Remus's bedside drawer, or when James woke up one night and thought he could hear a distant howling." [Canon compliant;one-shot]

  • Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

    "'Good morning' A throbbing headache and the prospect of another night of torment were not exactly his idea of a good morning." Remus awaits a full moon. His friends try their best to cheer him up - they have something to show him. [Canon compliant; slight mentions of James/Lily; one-shot]

  • Two Winters

    England, 1950: Elijah Mikaelson is determined not to let anyone see what two world wars have made of his family. Under the reign of his mother Esther, ballet student Katerina Petrova keeps an equally terrible secret. In two winters, they will change each other - but will it be enough to save them? [KALIJAH-focused; all-human AU; rated for violence, language, dark/mature content]

  • The Significance of the Assistant

    A collection of little scenes. Some humour, some more serious tones. Scenes set before, during, and after the movie, mostly Danley, but including the other horsemen as well. Occasionally Dylan and Alma, too. Rated T for language and adult topics.

  • The Mockingbird's Song

    "But the living things had no colour. All cats were grey by night. And this was Petyr's world – a faceless mass of pawns, and him at the top, looking down on them." Companion piece to "Liar, Liar" [Modern AU, rated T for dark themes and overall creepiness, one-shot]

  • Please (Don't Stand So Close to Me)

    "Yes, he'd noticed her immediately, her purity begging to be corrupted and the fact she looked infinitely more beautiful in that uniform than everybody else did, and so much like her mother. And yes, he'd thought about her in a lot of ways a teacher definitely shouldn't." Inspired by The Police. [AU, Songfic, rated T for adult topics, language and general creepiness, one-shot]

  • Red As Autumn

    "I loved a maid as red as autumn, with sunset in her hair." Two times Petyr has the opportunity to save a girl with blue eyes and auburn hair. Inspired by what Catelyn tells Lord Hoster about how she and Lysa got lost on the way back from Seaguard in "A Clash of Kings".

  • Liar, Liar

    "I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest." -Their world was full of liars.- [Modern AU, Rated T for language and dark themes, dark]

  • Sunlight and White

    "Teresa blinked into the bright sunlight and smiled, her fingers closed around the warm paper mug with fresh coffee. [...]Some nights, Teresa had a strange dream. She was sitting in a bright room on a chair by the window, looking out on a beautiful park." Follows an alternative storyline after "Red John". Dark

  • Not a Hero

    "From the moment they first set eyes on each other, someone somewhere had decided upon their story's ending. The ink of the last dot on the last i had dried the moment they shook hands." 838 word drabble, inspired by "Run, you clever boy" and other Doctor Who quotes (and the inevitable bit of Sherlock for the title).

  • A Lot In Common

    London is shaken by a series of vicious murders and Mycroft Holmes is receiving a visitor from America who claims he knows how to fix things... One-shot

  • How to Tell a Fairy Tale

    "Some say he was forever meant to chase her, her soft skin always just out of his fingers' reach. Others say they made it in the end, somehow, that they got to spend the rest of eternity together. (This is a fairy tale, and a fairy tale needs a happy ending.)" One-shot.

  • Does Death Have Angels?

    "She grew strong under the protection of his black gloved hand, however she was not finished, not quite yet. But he could not take care of it. Death is a busy man, you see, he's got a lot of duties. He cannot hang around the same place all the time. So he sent someone else. An old friend." One-shot, a little dark I guess.

  • Two Psychopaths

    "They had fallen into a pattern and there was no way for either of them to break the circle; they loved each other and they betrayed each other because they had to, they hurt one another and in the end it was all forgiven. They stabbed each other in the back- and they would have each other's back for all eternity" Inspired by "Love The Way You Lie Pt II". Rated T for violence. DARK

  • The World You Thought You Lived In

    "He'd killed Peter, he'd killed James, Remus and Sirius were the only ones left. Just the two of them now - and one of them was Remus Lupin, werewolf, outcast, failure. Oh, the irony." What if Remus had had the chance to confront Sirius without the others around? Set duting PoA, one-shot, rated T for language.

  • Of Train Rides, Making Friends and the Founding of Rome

    "Everybody else seemed to look forward to Hogwarts without a second thought, but Remus was mostly scared. Which was probably why he stood around outside the compartments for over twenty minutes until he managed to pluck up the courage to open one of the doors." Countless friendships begin on that train, this is how theirs came to be. One-shot