
  • Stretch Out Your Boarders

    Neku was going to play some new form of Reapers' Game called the "Ruguru Game", to keep the former Players he's friends with from having to play a worse Game-the Angel Game-but Shiki, in not wanting Neku to suffer anymore, finds herself wishing that she could do so instead. She gets her wish, and finds herself sucked into this dangerous Game by herself. NeShiki. Shiki-centric.

  • Maybe If I Tell Myself Enough

    In every season of BTVS, we had some sort of Bangel kiss. The comics do not keep this up at all (for some obvious reasons). But I attempted to rectify this and give us some semblance of a Bangel kiss for the seasons that didn't have one, while still trying to stay mostly canon compliant (which was actually pretty difficult). But here you go. Bangel. Comics. Fix-it, Canon compliant.

  • Ways to Say I Love You

    A Romione drabble.

  • In the End

    Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Game: The character Rapunzel-new to investigating the Vaults and looking for her own brother-enlists the help of Seren: Someone who's been doing the same thing for a long time and is seasoned at it, as her own sibling's disappearance is connected to them.

  • Jar of Hearts

    Based off of PMMM Rebellion. She had had every promise to her broken, had been abused, and had always been left alone by her two best friends... Having lost her mind, Kairi tries to selflessly pull Sora out of his rule of being The Key That Connects Everything. Too bad she didn't realize what Sora himself wanted, though, and that she was literally tearing apart who he wanted to be.

  • I Know the Light That Guides You - Join the Line That Walks Behind You

    Even after Livius' grown, not all of his and Nike's problems immediately disappear. Livi still is troubled by his past and inner-turmoil, and there is even worry about where the two's futures will end up and what will become of Nike's powers, but as always they find they can face anything together.

  • When You Wish Upon a Star

    Set after Lightning Returns. Serah deals with the guilt of having once been willing to sacrifice Alyssa and Yeul's lives for the greater good, as well as remnants of her Seeress abilities. Snow/Serah. Serah character study.

  • Pleasantries

    Starting with Beat and Rhyme waiting for their food outside of Ken Doi's, Rhyme begins to notice something off with the people and world around her. Could it be one of Joshua's gambits? Rhyme thinks so. But why do Neku and Shiki seem to be in on it? And why does Rhyme think that despite all the bad things that the Composer's done, that he somehow has her best interests at heart?

  • Nothing's Like Before

    Based on the theory that the Princesses of Heart have to be immortal or reincarnated, if they've been holding up what's left of the Light since the Keyblade War. Before an earlier Kairi's life comes to an end, she's able to meet the infant Sora on Destiny Islands. And even then, their hearts are connected and their souls bound. Finding hope there, Kairi's able to pass on in peace.

  • Savoring and Indulging

    For 13x14 Day. As the trio looks for time to vacation together, Xion begins to realize just what that might bring to light, and that they may never even get their chance with each other. Confused about who she is and what she should do-as well as about her feelings for Roxas-Xion begins to despair, but through her friendship with Roxas, the girl learns the importance of savoring.

  • Apples to Apples

    Five years after the Game, the characters' lives have moved in the directions that they should, and everything's as it should be… Except that Shiki has broken up with Neku, for a reason he doesn't know. What's going on with Shiki, Neku can only guess at. But as she's acting more and more like the old him, he knows only he can set it right. NeShiki, and slight Joshyme and JoshNeku.

  • The Ties That Bind

    For SoKai Day. The Cycle: an event staged by the Council where people have to reenact what they've done recently to prove they are innocent. Right before Kairi's name is called as the next contender, Sora begins imagining strange things about her: things he can't say if they're real or not. When weird and horrific things begin happening around the Island, they must set it right.

  • Perfect Disaster

    A boy named Akihito went missing during one of Mirai's charity sponsored events. This isn't the first time it's happened, either, but the first time such a child has stayed gone. Just what is going on? As events continue to unravel, Mirai can't help but have her suspicions darken. Akihito the boy... did he really even exist at all? AU.

  • Three Minutes Clapping

    Sora and Kairi are fading fast, and Roxas and Naminé-after having just assimilated with them-are desperate to save all four of their lives. When Naminé has a vision she thinks can help sustain them, and end whatever Xehanort may be planning, Roxas is quick to follow her lead. There's just one problem, though: the two of them hate each other. And they begin learning too much fast.

  • Anthem of the Angels

    Naminé: a girl plagued by loneliness and a bit of insanity; thoughts of time lost speaks to her, but she can barely hold onto the whispers. Ventus: the person bound to Naminé by choice, though his true identity and connection to her remains unknown. Vanitas: The friend that tries to kill Naminé when she stumbles onto a semblance of clarity. What deadly secret has Nami stumbled on?

  • The Charm Bracelet: Red Ribbon of Fate

    Upon having visions of the manipulative Volturi member, Chelsea, Bella fears that Aro might be able to use her ability with people's bonds to get ALL members of the supernatural world to join him. Faced with this, Bella has to make an important decision about saving the fate of the world through her shielding ability, even though it might cost her the future she's dreamt of.

  • The Gift of a Friend

    Most likely discontinued, but I'll put this up for anyone who still might want to see the first chapter of: A massive, complex and convoluted Magic Knight Rayearth AU, in which Umi is being trained by Ceara, Hikaru is dating Lantis-someone who may or may not be a killer, and Alcyone's planet might just be the ones who have been pulling everyone's strings all along.

  • The Hourglass Finally Tipped the Other Way

    It's after KHII and the boys have finally returned home to Kairi. She should be happier than ever, but it's hard to remain that way when Selphie is acting out of character, seems to be being influenced by Darkness, and has ended up in jail, among other things. With all of this, it looks like Kairi's finally getting the adventure she'd always dreamed of, but is it worth it? SoKai.

  • Maybe

    Agreeing to dress up in an animal motif for Estelle, and then feeling ridiculous and uncertain about things because of it, leads to a heartfelt moment and an understanding between Rita and Flynn: something that not even the genius mage could have foreseen beforehand. A Rita/Flynn humor, friendship, and fluff piece.

  • Modus Operandi

    A short SoKai AU that I started a long time ago, but will never finish it. I'm only uploading it now for the last day of SoKai Week.