

  • The Roar of the Waves

    She will not find him here, nor find anyone else.

  • Echoes of the Past

    When Celebrían is a child, Galadriel tells her about her family, bit by bit.

  • Parallels

    As far as Sirius can see, Weasley family politics aren't that different from Black family politics.

  • Family Politics

    The backdrop of the Longbottom affair.

  • A Ghost Between

    One morning at the kitchen table, George Weasley looked at his wife and, in a moment of uncharacteristic emotional honesty, said rather desperately, "I can't do this anymore."

  • the sunlight on her skin

    Elenwe felt the light wash over her skin, and smiled. AU. [Arien/Elenwe for Femslash February.]

  • Lingering Ghosts

    Mami and Homura, in the new world.

  • Constraints

    Lindissë sat by the window, staring west. It was hardly an unusual sight. [Lindisse/Silmarien for Femslash February.]

  • Sacrosanct

    Yasuda Sayo on gender, magic and death.

  • Pale

    The dead did not come back.

  • The Echo on the Rocks

    It was never silent. [Isma-centric.]

  • Scales and Notes

    The first time Maglor tried to teach Elrond and Elros how to sing, his efforts yielded... mixed results. (Maglor remembers.)

  • Different People

    As a young child, Celebrimbor wasn't told much of the Flight of the Noldor.

  • Mourning Customs

    Turgon and mourning.

  • The Path She Chose

    At the start, the tales were all she had. [Not canon-compliant.]

  • The Other

    "It started as a whisper." Not every problem has a solution.

  • By the Fire

    The girl had fallen asleep.

  • Center Stage

    I used to be so beautiful. [Spoilers for EP7.]

  • Not An Ideal Start

    "…And if you're really so worried about this installation's reputation, Miles, I have a simple solution for you." [Mild Olivier x Miles; pre-series]

  • The Woman At the Bar

    "It started with the woman at the bar." In which Christian Grey gets what's coming to him.