

  • you, on fire

    On the beginnings. — AU; Uzu/Satsuki, Ryuko, Mako.

  • we might as well just f—

    Shadowcat, Avalanche, and the fastidious avoidance of having a relationship. — Kitty/Lance.

  • the awful edges where you end and i begin

    Serena, on leaving. — Serena/Nate, Serena/Dan, Serena/Blair, Serena/Vanessa.

  • A Beginner's Guide to Disgracing SHIELD

    As Told By Skye Amelia May. (Or, that one where Melinda May adopted Skye when she was just a tiny baby, and nice things are had all around except by Agent Ward because he's a robot.) — Team Bus, plus basically everyone in SHIELD ever.

  • a little lopsided, a lot mean

    She's only a curbstomp away from being the girl of his dreams. — Skye/Ward.

  • softly, like an apology

    She'd rather stop breathing than see me again. — Skye/Grant; agent skye amelia may outtake

  • for the days when your brain dribbles out of your ears

    Rose Lalonde Is A Smack-Talking Eldritch Horror As Told By Dave Strider and John Egbert and Although Jade Harley Was Not Consulted She Would Probably Agree With Us Just Saying. — beta kids.

  • (we forge) recklessly onwards

    A hunter, a werewolf, and a witch walk into a bar. It's like a set-up for a really bad joke, only it's so not funny. — Erica/Allison/Lydia.

  • gaping wide and hungry

    Men, she thinks. Useless. — Queen Bee.

  • from her lips to god's ears

    I miss you like an open wound. (Or, everyone dies, but Satsuki dies first.) — Daiki/Satsuki.

  • that girl, she's got battlescars

    Your heart is a stone buried underneath your clothes. — Draco/Hermione.

  • coming out of my cage (and i've been doing just fine)

    Five cliché Dramione tropes, a la sarsaparillia. — Draco/Hermione, peripheral Harry/Ginny, Ron/Pansy.

  • fold your wings, you'll need them one day

    Breathe, Gin, breathe. — Harry/Ginny.

  • something in the popcorn

    Grey days on the run. — Draco/Hermione.

  • with rainy eyes

    And maybe she would have a smile for him. — Draco/Hermione.

  • razor sharp, razor clean

    He sat across the Great Hall and watched her with eyes glowing green like Death. — Ginny/Harry.

  • failure to launch

    The problem was that Slytherins were people, too. — Ron/Pansy.

  • barricade

    There's only darkness at the finish. — Draco/Hermione.

  • star parade

    Magic has to be passed on, or it dies. — Harry/Ginny.

  • sticks, stones, and hairpins

    The way she hissed "I am going to stab your eye out," did not freak him out. Seriously. — Lucius/Narcissa.