

  • Rained In

    During a rainstorm on the journey back from Erebor, Gandalf and Bilbo seek shelter in a cave; Bilbo ponders his companion. (Written for the May 2014 LOTR GFIC Challenge, Character Study.) NEW! Book-verse; one-shot.

  • Foresight

    The Deryni Chronicles: Rhys makes a startling discovery about little Evaine. This story takes place a few months after the story "Catalyst" in The Deryni Archives. (Written for baffledking in Yuletide 2009.) One-shot.

  • Wakenings

    Waking up: three vignettes, before, during and after the Quest, featuring Frodo and Sam. (Written in 2011 for the "Yet Hope Remains" comment-fic community, for belleferret's prompt, "Pre-Quest, Quest or Post-Quest, Frodo and Sam, the little things in life".) Book-verse, one-shot.

  • Polly Pepper's New Friends

    The Peppers find themselves off to school, and Polly must make some new friends. (Written for elanne in Yuletide 2008.) This story is set one year after Five Little Peppers and How They Grew and three years before Five Little Peppers Midway. One-shot, written in the style of the originals. Beta by Febobe.

  • A Moveable Feast

    Frodo experiences one of Tuckborough's quainter customs for the first time. (Written for the 2011 "Hit the Books" challenge. The prompt was the title of a famous book, and at some point in the story, a character had to read a book.) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

    Merry and Pippin take Strider to task for a long-ago decision. (Written in 2011 for the "Two Sides to Everything" challenge, featuring two or more characters having a debate.) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • A Sweet Visit

    It's Frodo's first visit back to Brandy Hall since he went to live with Bilbo. (Written for the LotR GFIC Community's July 2010 Fixed-length-ficlet challenge, "Short and Sweet". The story is exactly 399 words, not including title and header.) Book-verse; one-shot; fluff.

  • Of Red Books and Cherry Tarts

    Merry has some good news for Frodo. (Written in 2009 for Larner.) One-shot; book-verse.

  • Lessons at Bag End

    Frodo has his first lessons from his Uncle Bilbo. This ficlet follows the event mentioned in "Grief" and "The Apology". (Written for Back to Middle-earth Month in March of 2006. This is from one of Shirebounds's Shirebunnies.) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • Grief

    Frodo has run away from Brandy Hall to Bag End. (Written in 2006 in response to danachan's first line meme in LJ.) Book-verse; drabble.

  • The Apology

    Young Frodo writes a letter…(A companion piece to my drabble "Grief") written for hobbit ficathon's Frodo POV challenge.

  • Now You See Him

    Bilbo sets quite a puzzle for his gardener. (Written in 2008 for the LOTR Community Challenge's "Summertime" challenge) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • Making Do

    Missing a main ingredient…what's a hobbit to do? (Written for the 2008 Shire Kitchen Recipe Fic Challenge: "In a Pinch") This story takes place in the time period of my story "The Road to Edoras" but before my story "It Takes a Took". Book-verse; one-shot; recipe!fic.

  • The Invitation

    Pippin delivers an invitation to his cousins at Whitwell. This is a teensy side-story to my longer fic "A New Reckoning" and features my OFC Rusty Cotton Took and her husband Isembold Took. (Written for the 2008 Shire Kitchen Recipe Fic Challenge.) Book-verse; one-shot; recipe!fic.

  • Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose (The Great Auntie

    "Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose (The Great Auntie Pringle Took Remix)" Young Merry, Pippin and Pervinca are overheard having a conversation. (Written in 2007 for the hobbit remix challenge; a remix is when various authors give permission for another to use one of their stories and re-write it or expand on it in some way.) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • Sandcastles

    After retiring to Minas Tirith, Merry and Pippin pay a visit to Dol Amroth. (Originally written in 2007 for Hobbit Month on LiveJournal) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • Once Upon a Time

    Frodo tells young Merry and Berilac a story. (Written in 2005 for Marigold's Challenge #23; I had to include a spyglass, a pair of slippers, a flood and a party, and Berilac Brandybuck. ) Book-verse; one-shot; tale-within-a-tale.

  • A Long Expected Departure

    Bilbo's party from another point of view…(Written in 2005 for hobbit ficathon's Birthday Party challenge) Book-verse; one-shot.

  • Dreamsong

    Merry and Pippin are having a hard time sleeping, but Pippin has the solution. (Written in 2007 for Dana's birthday, beta'd by Lindelea.) One-shot; book-verse.

  • Down the Green Hills

    This is a song, supposedly written by Merry and Pippin while they were in Minas Tirith after the end of the War, while they awaited their chance to go home. It originally appeared in 2005, in my story, "Chance Encounter". Book-verse; one shot.