

  • Reincarnate

    Carolines new "friends" aren't really friends at all-but siblings reincarnated from a past life! They don't have all their memories back yet and have some ties to the Mikealson family they don't know about. [There are some OCs in here- if anyone wants a description of when/where they came from and look like comment and let me know.] Please Review! Rated T cause it could go anywhere

  • Forever Ago

    Deals with my OC's from some of my other stories, It's basically a group of girls who get reunited with the men they love. my version Sage will basically be a witch.- Sage/Finn Cece/Jason Selena/Kol Bridget/Elijah Caroline/Klaus Don't know if i'll continue this one.

  • Just Breathe

    After being attacked Cece is wandering around to find herself on the porch belonging to none other than Jason Dilaurentis! Read to know more. It's only my second story so I hope you like it, please review! Rated T just to be safe.

  • Unwanted Invisibility

    We all know Eden McCain died after confronting Sylar. This is my take on what could have happed if she'd been a ghost and continued watching over Mohinder who's taking care of Molly! The twist? Molly can see, hear, and talk to Eden but Mohinder can't. Please check out and review! Rated T because I think this could go anywhere, if needed it may have to be changed later.

  • Coffee Shop Prompt

    Felicia and Harry meet because they are set up on a blind date by Gwen and Peter. [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • Firehouse

    Cece is trapped a burning building, who comes to her aid? Jason Dilaurentis. That's who. [At the moment this is a one shot. I don't know if I will add more on or not. Sorry it's so short, I am lacking in inspiration for this story :( ] Please review! Constructive criticism is VERY welcome! :)

  • Valentines Day Proposal

    Cute one shot for Valentines Day! [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • An Alternate Reality- Harry X Felicia

    This is a alternate reality for Harry Osborn and Felicia Hardy in which Harry's dad actually cared and he may or may not have Retroviral Hypodisplasia, I haven't decided yet. [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • Alternative Soul-Mates Harry X Felicia

    A Different version for my other Harry X Felicia Soul Mates- This one the first words your soul mate say to you are written on your back instead of a name.[Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • Oscorp Ball

    Felicia meets a handsome stranger at the annual Oscorp Benefit Ball and there is an instant connection. [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • Soul-Mates Version 1 Harry X Felicia

    (Idea from a fanfic I read on here and loved) Soulmates are born with their other half's name on their back. So naturally Felicia and Harry are drawn to each other. [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • My New Boss

    P.O.V is Felicia's- It's the first day back to work after Mr. Norman Osborn's passing and it's time to meet the new boss and CEO of Oscorp! [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • Rebirth of Elle

    Elle wakes up on the beach with no memories, not even her own name. What could happen to her? Will she ever know who she was or what happened? Is this her second chance to finally find happiness? [Please remember to leave a review to let me know what you think!]

  • Reunite

    Please note this has a slightly different timeline than the show. I don't have a summary ready yet, except that people who care about each other are reunited. Will most likely mainly deal with the Original Family.

  • Memories

    Memories coming back for a certain fiery red haired vampire. She's lived the last thousand years with no recollection of her past with him, and finally is reunited in an odd way, which may not have happened , if not for a certain blonde baby vampire. ;) Please read and review!

  • Undaggered

    The gang arrives at the Mikealsons, and they don't know why. Not even ey were called there by they question each other Caroline sees two blonde girls that nobody else appears to be able to see.Who are they?Why are they here?Why can she see them?Why is the room filled with coffins? Read to find out!Please review!

  • Family Matters

    Bruised, Battered and beaten Cece Drake finds herself in the hospital. Confused and hurt, Jason Dilaurentis is there as well after finding out his sister Alison is alive. There's more secrets that neither know, is Ali willing to share? Rated T just to be safe, please read and review!

  • Only Time Will Tell

    Involves a group a girls , some of whom knew the Mikealsons when they were human, and are in love with them. Caroline is knows them somehow, stuck in a cave for varying times and reincarnated a few times. They've lived a few times and haven't stopped loving them. What happens when they are somehow summoned without being reincarnated? Read to find out, please review! contains OCs.

  • My Confession

    Eden has the perfect opportunity to tell Mohinder the truth about herself and her ability, but will she take it? Please review! Not sure if it's going to be more than a one-shot at this point.

  • Full Moon Night

    Sage has not yet spoken to Finn Mikaelson, but he has already captured her heart. She decides to follow him to the forest with his brother Henrik one night, partially because it's a full moon night. They seem to be safe, but you never know what could happen when the sun goes down. Please read and review! I love knowing what you think, at the moment this is only a one-shot.