
  • Between The Raindrops

    AU. After being hit by the Killing Curse, Harry Potter was sent to Limbo where instead of Dumbledore greeting him, it was his mother. Lilly sent her son back to the end of his third year but with some changes. Instead of being Harry Potter, he's now Hera Lilly Potter who are having weird feelings for her potions professor. Warning: underage and older relationship sex

  • Collision

    James and Lilly Potter had a serect that they took to their graves, literally. Before Voldermort came the Potters was able to send their daughter to James' brother Gabe. Unfortunately there wasn't time to send off their son. Years later during Harry Potter and his friends' third year Harry meets a interesting girl with the same lighting mark on her head. Twin-cest.

  • Wolf Prince

    After a unfortunate fall in a river, a young wolf-dog finds himself with a pride of lions. Can he be what's expected of a prince? Can he help his adopted siblings unite the two prides that won't let go of the past. While trying to find out who he is and where does he belong.

  • Hindsight

    Squeal to The Heart Is A Battlefield. Evil is brewing in the pride lands after the death of the dark prince, Scar. It's up to the two new princesses to save their kingdom. But in the long run, do the youngest daughter of King Mufasa and Queen Nala got what it takes to save Simba from his demons. All the while, showing him that he does have some where to belong.

  • Catch Me

    Sherise Everett is a typical twenty one year old. What seperates her from being sane is that she had fallen hard for the actor, Jeremy Kent Jackson. When she wins a contest to visit the set of Disney XD Lab Rats. Will the actor catch her or will she not have the happy ending she dreamed.

  • Fifty Shades Of Davenport

    A birthday present for LabRatsWhore. Basically multi one shots that contains hot, steamy sex. Rated M for a reason.

  • Heirs II

    Sequel to Heirs. After the drama and betrayal of the pridelanders to their own princess. A new evil rise and it's up to Queen Kiara youngest son to brave the odds and set things right just like his mother once did. But do this prince got what it takes to be a prince? What will he decide when he's choosen to be the next king of the magnificent pride lands.

  • Black Roses

    Ever hear the warning not to watch someone sleep, or you might fall in love with them? Well Douglas Davenport made that mistake, after watching his brother sleep he starts to feel different about the man that stole his children and soon his heart.

  • The Third Son

    Prince Douglas is the third son of King Ahadi and Queen Uru. But as everyone thinks everything is well, it's not. The youngest prince is being abused, with the help of a orphan cub can they solve the gruesome murders in the Pride Lands while fighting to stay alive.

  • Cinderleo

    AU. The classic tale of Cinderella but with a Lab Rats twist. Leo Dooley is basically his step family's slave, his life is pretty much is a living hell. But after running into the handsome, multi-billionaire Donald Davenport; will Leo's life change for the better? Or will his evil, cruel step brothers steal his chance at true love and a happy ending?

  • Stolen Hearts

    Sequel to Crushing Hard. Who knew what a small crush would lead to. Now married and wanting a family of his own, will Douglas find a way to make his husband's dreams come true. But evil is still on the horizon, will the newest members of the Davenport family be able to finished off the threat on their family for once and for all.

  • Frozen

    Fearless optimist Kiara teams up with Kopa in an epic journey, encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowlion named Isaac in a race to find Kiara's sister Aneira, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom in eternal winter. Lion King version of Frozen.

  • Crushing Hard

    Leo tries to deny he's crushing on someone but it fails each attempt. What will happen when Leo's crush get catches on? Sorry bad summary.

  • Broken Embraces Rewritten

    After the birth of the prince, it was a race to find the perfect queen. When a cub is found, is she right for the throne? Is she right for the prince? What about the lioness who did fall for the prince? Will she get her king or will she watch the one she loves marry someone else?

  • Love Of Insanity

    A trip to Pittsburg sent Donald Davenport's world upside down. After meeting Michael Novotny, Donald is thrown into almost complete insanity. One he's straight and two, this man who looks like him has captured his heart.

  • Hearts Of Nome

    AU Balto. What if Balto's mother was the husky that lived in Nome and fell in love with a male wolf? This is my story for Skye, a former stray with daddy issues and one day the mother of a hero. She will go through lost and heartbreak, to make sure her pup doesn't have to go through what she did.

  • Detention

    It fun starts at Mission Creek High then goes to Davenport household. Will the fun ever end? Contains slash, incest, underage.

  • The Heart Is A Battlefield

    Mufasa was taught since the day he was born that life went a certain way. But after the death of his queen and her son, his adopted brother' s daughter had begun to plant different seeds about life in his heart. Can love over come all the hurdles? What happens when the late queen's son comes back from the dead?

  • Lost and Found

    Instead of being sent to prison, Loki was banished from Asgard for his crimes against future earth. There he has to live as a dragon. Can a troubled mortal find his lost soul. Will Loki let someone in his his heart.

  • Sorrow

    Simba and Kiara are the prince and princess of the Pride Lands. Their lives are a fairy tale. Not. The twins are victims of abuse by their own parents. After deciding enough is enough, they run away. Where another lion pride takes them in. Can they learn to trust again. Can friends and love ones stop the revenge in their hearts before it's too late.