

  • Cupcake Business

    I didn't expect this cupcake business from Lucy. I thought she'd write depressing poetry or something.' Lucy wants a cupcake for her birthday, among other things. Percy/Audrey, fluff.

  • Unusually Sensible Little Girl

    She is an unusually sensible and logical little girl, and it is all the fault of the smoke and mirrors.

  • One and One

    It's all so neat, really. One boy and one girl from each house. Hannah-centric. Oneshot.

  • The Look in the Eyes

    Everyone's a little bit insane. It's just that some people have more damaging insanity than others. Sirius-centric. oneshot.

  • Life's Soundtrack

    Five drabbles inspired by five songs.

  • Sketchbook Drawing

    Sometimes Gabrielle Delacour feels like one of those drawings in an artist's sketchbook, all scribbled over. Character sketch/oneshot.

  • Spare Me the French

    In which James Potter II attempts to impress his cousin Dominique with French. Is anyone else thinking 'failed plan? Oneshot.

  • The Names in the Book

    While addressing the envelopes to the newest Hogwarts students, Professor McGonagall makes an astonishing discovery...[AU, oneshot]