Temperance Cain

  • Graves and Regrets

    Post "The Gift." A visit to the Slayer's grave provides a surprising encounter for Angel and a chance to share his regrets, among other things. Angel and Dawn sweetness, and brutal honesty. One-shot. Another sad one guys. I'm sorry, I just can't help myself!

  • Just For You

    Post Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "Chosen." Set after the events of Angel season five's "Destiny," but canon-divergent. It's Buffy's birthday, and someone has left her an unexpected present that takes her to L.A. where she may find something she thought had been lost forever. Spuffy. One-shot. Lots of happy fluff.

  • Take Me Back

    Set after the events of 'Graduation Day Part 2.' Angel's about to leave Sunnydale for good, but first he finds himself making an unexpected detour to a place in his past. A past he shares with a certain now-graduated Slayer. Bangel. Oneshot. Bring the tissues.

  • The Swan Princess and the Pirate Captain

    Enchanted Forest AU. Emma's kingdom is ruled by her uncle, Prince James, and before her marriage to Prince Walsh, who is in league with him, she takes Henry and flees. The only person she can turn to is Killian Jones, who she has not seen since childhood. As her destiny awaits, the Saviour will have more than her courage tested as she learns what it means to be a hero.

  • When I'm Gone

    The prospect of death can make you think about a lot of things, things that are important in life. Like your daughter who just happens to be the Chosen One, the Slayer of vampires and demons, and who would look out for her if the worst happens. Luckily, Joyce has some people in mind.

  • It's Always You

    A speculation on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode 'The Freshman' and the Angel 'City Of' phone call if Angel had had the nerve to do more than hang up. Buffy's life is new and uncertain, but luckily someone knows just what to say at just the right time. Bangel. One-shot.

  • Me Without You

    Buffy Summers is off to have the ultimate battle with Glory, but not before she has a very important phonecall. One-shot. Bangel. Bring the tissues for this one. Takes place before the ending of the Buffy Season Five finale 'The Gift.'

  • The Last Dream

    Takes place after the events of the season two finale 'I Can't Get Started.' Rory's leaving, but Jess can't let her go without telling her how he feels, with a little help from Charles Dickens. One-shot. Minor Dean bashing.

  • The Things We Do

    Takes place after the Buffy episode 'Once More, With Feeling' and the Angel episode 'Offspring.' After an emotional moment with Buffy, Spike goes to L.A in the hopes of enlisting a familiar face in helping the Slayer find her place in the world again and begin to heal. Of course, not before getting some jokes in.

  • Worth Saving

    A 2 18 'Killed By Death's AU. Angelus goes out for a midnight stroll, but comes across something quite unexpected in the nearby cemetery: the ghost of Buffy Summers. But all is not as it appears. Bangel. Oneshot. Happy ending, I promise.

  • The Hounds of Love

    Hermione is being chased. Running for her life, there's only one place she can go: the home of Draco Malfoy. Will the two save the day, or will a secret destroy everything?