
  • Chains of Fool's Gold

    Sixteenth fic in the Cloak and Dagger series, sequel to 'The Horn That Was Blowing.' The Ministry has finally driven Harry and Draco, once Aurors of the Socrates Corps, too far. Now they're turning at bay, and they'll take the whole Ministry down with them, if they have to. COMPLETE.

  • The Liar and the Mediwizard

    HPDM slash. Harry isn't always a liar. Draco isn't always a mediwizard. But sometimes, for their own reasons, they play those roles. COMPLETE.

  • Like the Swift

    SSHPDM. A Quidditch player is trying to take Draco away from Harry, and has hinted that he wouldn't mind sleeping with Severus, either. Harry gets it into his head to outperform the idiot on a broom. COMPLETE.

  • Hour of Grace

    HPDM preslash. Harry and Draco run into each other in Diagon Alley at Christmas, the year after they leave Hogwarts. They make a truce for one hour. COMPLETE.

  • Bronze Pressed Invitations

    HPDM slash. Harry and Draco are trying to send the invitations for their Christmas party that will make it clear, in some acceptable way, that they're together. It isn't going well. COMPLETE.

  • Riting in Fire

    HPDM slash. Harry and Draco have chosen a new way to mark their bond, one that will leave it imprinted on the skin. COMPLETE

  • Fair Courtesy

    HPDM slash, RWHG, SFDT. This is what happens when you destroy one of the eighth year dorm beds with a fire curse and then have one less than you should have. COMPLETE.

  • Viperdark

    HPDM slash. If it takes memory after memory for Draco to learn that his Dark Mark doesn't make him ugly, then that's what Harry will give him. COMPLETE.

  • Inside View

    Gen fic, Snape and Harry mentor relationship. Severus hadn't known there was a portrait of him in this universe, but once he knew, he just had to know what it would say. Epilogue of sorts to World in Pieces. COMPLETE.

  • Counting Christmas

    HPDM slash. Draco is stunned to realize that Harry is oblivious of Christmas coming closer and closer, because that probably means that, horrors, he isn't getting lots of presents. COMPLETE.

  • House of Madness

    HPDM, established relationship. Aradia Flammifer has shouldered the burden of being Draco Malfoy's personal organizer, but she has never enjoyed the job, until she sees something that changes her mind. COMPLETE.

  • The Stations of the Nights

    HPSS. Snape teaches Harry the wizarding Twelve Days of Christmas. Harry goes searching for the real story. COMPLETE.

  • Wedding Dance

    HPDM, HPGW, DMAG, HPDMGWAG. Harry and Draco are in love with each other, and with Ginny Weasley and Astoria Greengrass. And amazingly, it works. COMPLETE.

  • Home for the Winter

    HPDM slash, epilogue compliant. Harry and Draco and their children are trying to have a nice Christmas together. Well, maybe nice isn't the operative word. COMPLETE.

  • Gazing Softly Down

    HPDM slash. Harry broke up with Draco because Draco couldn't get along with his friends, but now he wants him back. Draco is going to show Harry how well he has learned to guard his heart. COMPLETE.

  • Nine Days' Wonder

    HPDM, mostly preslash. In which Harry is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and really not interested in Malfoy's snippy little firecalls about Scorpius. Really. COMPLETE.

  • Fear, Beauty, Courage, Glory

    HPDM slash. What Harry and Draco feel and see when they wake up in the Room of Requirement, the morning after. COMPLETE.

  • Unwilling to Admiration

    HPDM preslash, HPGW and DMAG as background. One engagement ring. Two men who both want it. And one conversation. COMPLETE.

  • Flower in the Darkness

    HPSS slash. Severus is visited by three ghosts who teach him lessons about love, Christmas, and his relationship with Harry. COMPLETE.

  • Unhidden

    HPDM slash. As he waits for Harry to get ready for a party at Malfoy Manor, Draco controls his impatience- for a rich reward. COMPLETE.