
  • Strangers on a Train

    What if Harry hadn't only met Albus Dumbledore at the 'ghostly' King's Cross Station?

  • A Stricken Lament

    Butchered unicorns in London's alleys, witches and wizards vanishing throughout Britain, and murmurs of a rising Dark Lord! With all of this, Senior Auror Ron Weasley can't believe Harry thought it a grand time to take a desk job. He'd always known the bloke was barmy, but embracing bureaucracy? —Auror mystery, Harry-Ron friendship, and canon ships.

  • A Cursed Clock

    Harry swore his time-turner-stealing kids were all Weasley. Ginny felt her husband was an utter hypocrite. Draco hated them all, and their hellions figured 1995 was best enjoyed by tickling dragons. — A slight(ly huge) deviation from "Cursed Child", which turns into a time paradox of Hallowed proportions.

  • Hallowed Time Twists

    Mixing the Potter kids with the Master of Death, not-so-secret horcruxes, haywire magic, and the dawning Second War could only end in catastrophe. All was well? Harry Potter really shouldn't have tempted fate like that. For the Potters are now stuck in a year where Voldemort is far more than a half-forgotten nightmare. — Canon compliant, Next Generation Time Travel.

  • Of Fair Ladies and Jack Rippers

    'TASM2' Alternative Ending: In another life, Gwen Stacy would have made her scholarship and led Peter Parker down their own winding path. Yet their story (no matter what country they might find themselves in) could never be boring. For while America might have superheroes, Britain held its own magical secret. On indefinite hiatus.

  • And Now For Something Completely Different

    ON HIATUS! Oh my Rowling, Harry Freaking Potter in canon? For this cracky crossover grab your red vines, touch up on your satanic rituals, feel the sting in your lightning scar, and choreograph your way through Hogwarts. — Takes place in HP6 and mid-way through AVPM.

  • The Rise and Fall of Harry J Potter

    All was well. Truly, it was. Harry Potter was so happy that not even Rita Skeeter's newest biography could spoil things. Okay, fine, so maybe he'd 'forgotten' to mention parts of his past to his loved ones. It wasn't like this disaster could end in Azkaban sentences or pygmy puff invasions, right? Right. He was worrying about nothing. — Pre-Epilogue, canon ships.

  • Blissful Oblivion, Better Than Firewhiskey

    From treacle tarts to furry little problems, falling in love is rarely easy. Even our favourite couples needed to deal with pickled toads before their first snogs! So this collection of canon compliant one-shots are stories somewhat reimagined as anti-love/unromantic romances. — Ch. 5: After "Cursed Child", two marriages are haunted by mirrors and technicalities.

  • To Compose An Epitaph

    The bravest man he's ever known? Sure Harry, sure. As though 'Albus Severus' was a rationally premeditated decision and not a result of, say, drunken Unbreakable Vows. Or letting Luna near the birth certificate. Or mixing the Potters with George's experimental potions.—A series of canon compliant one-shots considering origins of this horrifically brilliant name.

  • The Deepest, Most Desperate Desire

    Head Auror Harry Potter didn't want to think about anything but the Quidditch World Cup, flying with the kids, embracing Ginny, and catching up with the DA. The last thing on his mind was a half-forgotten mirror. But little did he know that an irritating case and his heart's desire would lead to all being well. — Canon compliant with H/G and the Rita Skeeter World Cup article.

  • Of War and Wrackspurts

    Our favourite Gryffindors really shouldn't have overdosed the depressed Boy Wonder on cheering charms. But going back for their '7th' year was the syrup on this treacle tart. — Technically canon, '101 Things Not To Do At Hogwarts' with high!Harry amid post-war angst. Yep, you read that right.

  • Twas the Night

    Harry and Ginny thought their happily ever would usher in a much needed break from adventure. But they hadn't factored in chaotic holidays, nefarious teeth, and perhaps psychotic children. At least there weren't any dragons this time around. — Next Gen Christmas fic!

  • Pity The Living

    Contrary to popular belief, Harry had never been guilty of name-hogging. But on a similar note, not everything was well. At least not yet. — Pre-Epilogue with a miscarriage, H/G whomping, and oh so much angst.

  • The Rocket's Red Glare

    Why wasn't there international assistance against Voldemort? How can the American President be obliviated willy-nilly? Why was the 'dark school' Durmstrang allowed into the Triwizard Tournament, and do Brazilian students learn how to curse hats? Harry Potter's about to get a history lesson and a wake-up call. — Canon, takes place between the final battle and epilogue.

  • Keep Calm and Carry On

    Taking the Tube to King's Cross works for many a muggleborn. It was only a matter of time before Arthur Weasley found out about the fun to be had... Merlin help London's poor commuters! — Pre-Epilogue by a year.

  • Babysitting Debacles

    Angelina Weasley should have known that pranking the 'Saviour of the Wizarding World' would result in a weekend of babysitting, nargles, migraines, and the contemplated murder of her overly-sensitive brother-in-law. — Crack-y but canon! Post-DH and pre-Epilogue.