
  • The Secrets of Ara Lestrange: Book 2

    AU Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts. Ara and Harry came out of the final task alive, but their problems are far from over. Ara and Draco leave their home behind, working to take down Dumbledore while discovering the dark secrets their family have hidden. AL/CW J/L . Rated T for occasional language.

  • The Secrets of Ara Lestrange

    If there was one thing that Ara knew for certain, it was that life was full of secrets. For her, secrets seemed to be around every corner. Ara learns that the secrets of her family run much deeper when she travels to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament and meets the Potters. OC/CW DM/? HP/? JP/LE LM/NM

  • The Lost Sister

    Kassandra was the oldest child of James and Lily. Death Eaters tore her life apart on October 31st and years later she discovers that not everything was as it seemed on that horrible night.