

  • Friday the 13th

    Part of the Numbers series (13/31). Just a goofy little story about Steph going after a skip on Friday the 13th. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Twelve Angry Rangemen

    Part of the Numbers series (12/31). Steph is hurt while chasing a skip, but things aren't always what they seem. While Steph fights for her life, both she and Ranger fight for Someday. Four angsty chapters with a Babe ending (of course).

  • At the Eleventh Hour

    Part of the Numbers series (11/31), Ranger is left wishing for a Steph 911 page to get him out of the Manoso Family Thanksgiving, but the call doesn't quite go like he expects it to. Includes the JE FanFiction Facebook group November writing prompt.

  • Fall Nine Times, Get Up Ten

    Part of the Numbers series (10/31). After a hard and frustrating day, Ranger provides some advice that causes Stephanie to consider a new endeavor. Complete for now.