Aurelius Equinox

  • More then Meets the Eye

    Mai catches the attention of a mysterious new transfer student whom she immediatly takes a liking too. While she gets involved with him, the rest of the students grow suspicious of the mysterious student, who seems to know then he's letting on. Rated M for lemon.

  • A Feline's Desire

    When Blake's heat cycle gets too much for her, she turns to an unexpected person to help her "scratch her itch", after all desperate times call for desperate measures. Shameless smut. Jaune x Blake.

  • Crashed the Wedding

    AU Story. After Blake gets engaged to a wealthy bachelor, Adam falls into a spiral of self destructive behavior to deal with it, despite his friends best efforts to help him. Eventually when he becomes suspicious of his ex's new fiance, his friends try to make him see reason before he does something he regrets. Mainly Blake x Adam pairing.

  • My Hero is You

    Hawkeye was Kate Bishop's idol and personal hero. And now she's under the same roof as him, struggling with her secret feelings for him and the forbidden desires she can never tell him about. He was her hero after all. Kate x Clint. Rated M for possible smut, read at your own risk.

  • The Otherwordly Man

    After the agency has recovered from the events of the Cannibalism Arc, they are thrust into a new case when a mysterious man suddenly seems to arrive out of nowhere and they are thrown into something bigger then they could've ever suspected. Mainly Lucy X Atsushi pairing, ties is into the "Lessons in Love" series but mostly standalone.

  • Lessons in Love II: War of Roses

    After the Fall of Beacon, Team RWBY has been divided and the newly formed Team RNJR heads towards Haven. On their journey Ruby must confront her own lingering feelings for Jaune but when the team crosses paths with an old enemy everything they know changes. Blake's journey also makes her come face to face with her own demons as a new threat looms over the horizon.

  • A Golden Cage

    Five years ago, Marlin was captured and turned into a servant for the Dimitrescu family. Becoming a personal plaything and blood bank for the imposing matriarch and her three daughters. But how will fate his fate turn out when one of the daughters becomes interested in more then just his blood? Smut/Lemon, read at your own risk. Dimitrescu sisters x OC.