

  • Dinner with the Brockman's

    Jake has a new girlfriend, a privileged intelligent girl named Odessa. He has invited her to dinner, but neither the Brockman's or Odessa have met each other. Join the Brockman's as they find out about Odessa and how Odessa reacts to them especially Karen and Ben.

  • Daytime Stargazing and Utter Lunacy

    Victoire is pregnant. With twins! Teddy is yet to find out. What happens when he does? Please R&R!

  • Motherly Advice

    Written for Pink Mockingjay in Hufflepuff's challenge The Potter Family Challenge. Prompt- Lily, who desperately wants a baby, is having problems in that area. She's absolutely terrified her husband will leave her because something's wrong with her and she ends up crying at her parents' house. Enjoy :D