
  • His Life Now

    Harry and Ginny, 5 years after the War, are bonded. Harry has become a businessman, managing his family investments and making new ones. So, why aren't they happy? This begins as Kidan's chapter 33 in The Potions Cabinet, story ID # 11037069. I have made a minor change to comply with FF publishing rules, as noted. Chapter two and onward will be my own work. JKR owns all canon.

  • Squib

    Lily, Petunia, and Severus didn't intend to change the world. They wanted to save themselves. The rest sort-of happened! Just who are the bad guys, anyhow? VERY AU! HEA Complete, though corrections can be made.

  • Housekeeping

    A peaceful moment between friends, after the first task of the Tri-Wizard. Ever wonder about the Dragon Reserves?

  • Persephone

    This is a take off from the exceedingly funny story "Like a Red-Headed Stepchild", number 4497458 by mugglesftw, with her permission. You don't have to read that to laugh at this one, but I do recommend it. This is Harry's Third Year, he's a redhead, has been adopted by the Weasleys, and he is in love with Luna. Roll with it!

  • The Giant's Toy

    A traditional Astronomy story set in Hogwarts. I think you'll like my Sybill Trelawney! The question is; what does Hermione think about Astronomy? I think she grows up to become an Astronomer!

  • Schrödinger's Hat

    Quantum Physics, Ghosts, and a Headless Hat? Can Hermione teach the Twins enough Muggle Science to grant an old ghost his heart's desire? Standard disclaimers - I'm only filling in a missing scene.

  • Arithmancy

    A brief 'missing moment' set in about year Three. My answer to the question of 'What makes a seeker Great'.