Someone aka Me

  • The Crazy Ones

    "In a way, he thinks, he understands her better than anyone else. She's Loony Luna, and he's That Crazy Irish Kid." :: Seamus/Luna.

  • Green and Its Symbolism

    Sketch-Artist Dean Thomas and Auror Harry Potter find out that they have more to talk about than one coffee can handle. :: Dean sketches Harry. :: Harry and Dean friendship (though I suppose if you have prescription-strength slash goggles you could read it that way).

  • Eton Boy

    "It's this school, you think. This school is corrupting you, turning you into someone you didn't used to be. Making you feel things you didn't used to feel." :: Ernie/Justin, for Paula

  • Aftermath

    In the aftermath, they know it is wrong. In the moment, though. knowing doesn't seem to matter as much as it probably should. :: Rodolphus/Rabastan

  • To Matter

    He sees you, truly sees you. With him, you actually matter. :: Regulus/Peter, for Paula.

  • Broken Men

    Seeing Remus come back from werewolf recruiting bruised, battered, and exhausted tears Sirius apart, but he cannot ask Remus to stop, because he, better than anyone, knows what it is to feel useless. :: Remus/Sirius.

  • Regret

    "Sorry isn't good enough!" He says this as though Sirius doesn't already know it. As though Sirius doesn't already know that nothing is good enough. Nothing can fix this. :: Mentions Sirius/Lily :: For Kelly, who is the reason this exists at all.

  • Dark

    Seamus is afraid of the dark. :: very light Seamus/Dean.

  • Wild Chance and A Shatter-Glass Laugh

    A chance meeting in a coffee shop, and then a man standing on a street corner waiting for a promise to be kept. :: beginnings of a Charlie/Draco relationship hinted at

  • Of Worms and Wartime

    Five year old Charlie Weasley gets lost in a storm.

  • Things are different here

    Death has a tendency to expose what's truly most important to people. :: Rodolphus/Rabastan, for Gamma

  • Amortentia

    "She just wanted to be loved. Is that so wrong?" :: Tom Sr/Merope, told in snippets.

  • In the Shadows

    "This is the sort of thing that should never happen, can never be acknowledged, cannot be talked about. The sort of thing that can never see the light of day, that happens in the shadows, stays in the whispers and the stares because no one wants to say it." :: Regulus/Sirius incest, for Paula.

  • red

    Your hands are stained redredred, and that is never going to change. :: Freeverse.

  • Crooked

    "You watch him grin that crooked grin as he pushes a strand of his red hair out of his face and, finally, you grin back, because what is there to lose?" :: CharlieKingsley

  • Ticking

    They are a ticking time bomb, and someday, they will explode. :: CharlieScorpius

  • Deserved

    Because love isn't about what we deserve. :: Cho/Luna

  • The Coffee Shop

    A chance meeting in a coffee shop in Romania leads to the possibility of so much more. :: Beginnings of a CharlieDraco relationship.

  • Scars: Their Stories

    Scars tell a lot about people, Charlie knows. Everybody has scars, and every scar has a story. Post War A-Z vignettes on various characters, through Charlie's eyes. A: Katie; B: Draco C: Dennis D: Luna

  • Fated Coincidence

    She doesn't really believe in Fate, but the whole affair is riddled with too many coincidences. :: CharlieKatie, for Kelly.