The May Waters

  • Soulmates by Design

    In the Wizarding world it's compulsory to receive a tattoo when you're eleven that will show up once you're seventeen. It has the name of your soulmate with an animal on it. Life should be simpler for all of them, knowing who you're supposed to be with removes the guesswork... but not everyone has a happy ending.

  • Unnecessary Blind Date(s)

    James and Lily keep getting set up on blind dates together by their friends. One-Shot. AU.

  • It's 2 AM

    Currently two in the morning in an airport, snowed in, and without much company. Plus a cheating ex-boyfriend. One-Shot. AU

  • Criminal

    Lily gets arrested. One-Shot. AU

  • The Train

    A simple train ride to school changes their lives more than they expected. One-Shot. AU.

  • Lily's Revenge

    James' sacrifice the night Voldemort attacked their home was enough to save not only Harry but Lily as well. Lily now has an identical scar to Harry's and she lives with Sirius in Grimauld Place after saving him from his sentence in Azkaban. Instead it's Peter who's in Azkaban. Harry is starting his first year at Hogwarts, but not everything is as it may seem.

  • Selfie

    Lucy and her friends are out window shopping when they send a picture to the wrong number. They get a mysterious image back of some boys pulling the same exact poses. An experiment begins to see how long the boys will keep it up, exchanging information one selfie at a time.

  • Travel Back

    Just before fifth year an unexpected accident in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place sends a large group hurtling through time where they find themselves unceremoniously dumped into the Great Hall of Hogwarts during the spring of 1978. Another, older group, is there as well and what they have to say is very surprising.

  • Birth

    The Red Flag flew high above the port and everyone shuddered in their homes. The thatch buildings could not hide them however, and they held their children closely, praying the worst would not fall upon them. Boots clicked against aging wood and stopped only when a board in the dock squeaked. There was a terrifying sound as the squeaking ended, instead there was a (cont. inside)

  • December

    Little daily drabbles for the Christmas Season where James and Lily slowly realize they love each other. It's a magical time of the year. "If we make it through December we'll be fine." -Merle Haggard

  • Dangerous Play Things

    Lily Evans, Queen of Scots has been promised in a long awaited marriage between Scotland and England. James Potter fights the marriage set forth before him and searches for a way to end it, until he meets who he is intended to marry. The life of Royals however is much trickier than a simple marriage; power is a dangerous thing to play with.

  • The Marauders and the Forbidden Forest

    A slip of the tongue – Happenings of the unusual sort. A deadly limp. A sick aunt. The Slytherin and the Gryffindor. Wrong turns. Secrets and Promises. Detention. The forbidden forest. A sip of something poison. What awaits the marauders in their first year at Hogwarts? "The Marauders and the Forbidden Forest" by May Reach and Mint-Chocolate Leaves. Mirror story on their profile!

  • Potter Family Memories

    Hermione had a video camera in her beaded bag and because Hogwarts enchantments are down they can use it. Creating the whole Potter, Weasley, and even Lupin family one scene at a time. All canon ships.

  • Beauty and the Beast

    The relationship of Remus and Tonks never stood on good ground up until one point. The point when Teddy was born. Up until then they were a little at odds. Both a little scared, neither one prepared, beauty and the beast.

  • A Twisted Tale

    The Marauders Era and Harry Potter's has switched places. This creates all kinds of dilemmas and Ron Weasley is in Azkaban for betraying the Potter's and for being a convicted Death Eater. Harry and Ginny are dead, leaving their only son, James in the care of Ginny's parents.

  • The Black Twins

    Sirius Black has a twin, a twin he promised he would never leave behind. Yet here he is, forging on through life and wanting to feel separate from his twin when all she wants is to hold onto their relationship. Can she manage to pull them back together, or is it futile to try?

  • Once Upon A Time

    The founders once had the strongest bonds of friendship. Salazar Slytherin rarely did anything without Godric Gryffindor, including the building of the great school Hogwarts. Just as Helga Hufflepuff could rarely force herself to leave Rowena Ravenclaw's side, despite their differences in some opinions. The four great founders were once the leaders of a new generation and era-

  • The Life and Lies of Lily and James Potter

    Starting from fifth year, this is the story of Lily Evans and James Potter and just how they came together. The secret meetings of the marauders, full moon adventures, aspiring Death Eaters, giggling girls, whispers of mudblood, love, jealousy, and a terrifying curse.

  • I Was Born Good and Driven to Evil

    What was it that caused Peter to ever consider joining the Death Eaters? What if it started out as black mail, but became a passion? What if he could never admit the truth to his friends? "I didn't mean to-the Dark Lord, he can be very persuasive!" Peter's look back on his life as death comes to him by his own silver hand.

  • Nashi

    "Natsu, I am not naming our daughter after a mash-up of our names." – "Hello Nashi, I'm your mother."