

  • Love and War

    "It can never work, we will never be." "Why not?" "You are a German officer and I'm a Jewish girl. We're not meant to be together!" Romance set in World War 2 setting. ON HIATUS

  • Gaston parody

    After being rejected by Emma, Daniel needs some cheering up...based on the Beauty and the Beast song 'Gaston,' Daniel will be extremely made fun of. UPDATE: Dinner request scene MY way! ;D

  • Phantom and his Band of Ghosts

    It's been awhile since Princess Samantha Manson has seen Amity Park and her past love, Daniel Fenton. When she returns, she's puzzled as to why the village looks run down and some huts are abandoned. Wasn't Prince Vlad supposed to take care of things? And who's this Phantom criminal?