
  • Deserve You

    Ginny thinks that Harry is too good for her, and deserves someone better. Can Harry convince her that she is the one for him? Harry/Ginny.

  • Hazel

    Lily Evans falls in love with James's hazel eyes.

  • Beautifully Hideous

    A 100 word drabble about a cake that can be ugly in some eyes, but beautiful in others. (Or: James makes a cake for Lily's birthday.) Jily.

  • Fireworks

    A 100 word drabble commemorating James Potter's birthday. A day late, and the word count says more than 100 words. Read for explanation. Companion piece to Beautifully Hideous. Jily.

  • Equilibrium

    "He was rough. She was soft. He was cold and unimpressed. She was warm and welcoming to everyone. They were eternal soulmates, because these two fit together like a puzzle." Draco/Astoria. For Lexi.

  • a cat, a deception, and the uses of pregnancy

    Pregnancy isn't completely a fun-buster. In special cases such as this one, it can be used in a clever way.

  • burning love (let it consume your heart)

    The evolution of their love was just like a flame. Hinny, Firefighter!AU, for Em.

  • love is unconditional (don't worry)

    Hope fears that no one will love her precious son because of his condition. For Lizzy.

  • love is an open door (let your heart follow its will)

    A collection of HermioneLuna drabbles. 1. While in the library, Luna spies on Hermione and lands a date with her

  • Love Knows No Boundaries

    Remus and Nymphadora are arguing again—Remus thinks he's too old for her, blah, blah, blah, but this time around, will she be able convince him that they are meant to be?

  • let's try to make it work

    Lily gets detention, and it's all James's fault (as per usual). Jily, day 3 of my Jilytober collection.

  • red sun rises

    Who knew that getting drunk and collapsing outside your neighbor's apartment could end up in something so wonderful? Jily Muggle College!AU, day 7 of Jily collection.

  • in this moment I am true

    Sometimes, it takes a little blending into the shadows to learn about an unseen side of someone. James, Lily, and the altering of opinions. Jily, Day 6 of my Jilytober collection.

  • these are (our) unforgettable memories

    Lily gets diagnosed with amnesia after a tough battle and forgets herself, her family, friends, and worst of all, James. Jily, day 5 of my Jilytober collection.

  • complimentary flattery (will take you places)

    Recollections of one magical night at a ball is all it takes for Lily to realize that she has fallen for someone she never would've fallen for a year ago. Lame summary, better story. Jily, day 4 of my Jilytober collection.

  • you're the cream in my coffee (life would be tasteless without you)

    You might meet the man of your dreams in an unlikely location—Lily's about to find that out. When Lily meets a woman whose son works at a coffee shop, she thinks little of it. Little does she know, she's about to meet the man of her dreams. Jily Coffee Shop!AU

  • freedom tastes sweet (redemption time)

    Sirius was wrongfully locked away in Azkaban. How did he escape?

  • our bittersweet memories

    Cho had a special relationship with Cedric, until it was abruptly ripped away from her. QLFC Round 9

  • Yesterday I Was Yours

    Heartbreak can lead to a lot of things—for Scorpius, it means rashness and forgiveness. Scorily.

  • i have a name for you (to convey my love)

    James comes up with a (cliche) nickname for Lily, resulting in some humorous bantering. Rated K plus for few implications of naughty activities, interpret how you like.