

  • Pillar

    "Again" that voice repeats, prodding him on without stop. He can't be left behind again. -Basil

  • Solace

    It's a routine she follows to the letter, least she loses them one day. -TYL!Haru, TYL!Vongola Family

  • Katanas

    A katana is a lot heavier than she expected. -Mugen, Fuu, Jin

  • Castle Standing

    Lucina can still hear Lissa's wail, smell the smoke from the rubble. Her castle has always been more broken than not.

  • Time Capsule

    They stare at each other, at the dirt. She's going to kill them. -Iwatobi Swim Team

  • temperment

    She smirks at him and he doesn't know if he's angry or aroused. -Rose, Bro

  • Colour Theory

    If Karkat could find Irony, he'd destroy it. He should never have left them alone together. -Karkat, Terezi, Dave

  • Inundate

    Feferi has never understood drowning until she met Eridan.

  • Saudade

    He's given her a wound she can't close. -Grandpa Harley, Nanna

  • Spectre

    She can hear them now. A host of voices, one for every friend she has lost. For every lover she abandoned. -Signless, Disciple

  • Scrouge Sisters

    Terezi looks at Travos's body, mangled beyond repair. At Aradia. At Sollux's tears. This is not what the Scrouge Sisters do. -Terezi, Vriska

  • Frozen hands, red noses

    Why does Earth have to be so damn cold? -John takes Vriska skating and she is not amused.

  • Chills

    She's never realized the pure fun a horror movie could have. -Vriska, John, and the time they watched a horror movie together.

  • Constants

    Somehow, against all odds, Dad is constant. -Jane, John, and the enigma which is Dad

  • Fernweh

    Dave is not his bro. Dirk knows that, but sometime's it is just too easy to let the images overlap. -Dave, Dirk

  • Étouffer

    The red drowns her. Consumes her. There is a reason a troll has four quadrants. -John, Vriska

  • Mono no aware

    "I'm not your John," John says. And it takes a small slip, a left instead of a right, and the 'real' John could end up like this. -Davesprite, John

  • Ahhadie

    Li'l bro. The word doesn't sound quite right, no matter how much Dave tries to prepare. -Alpha Dave, Dirk

  • Gökotta

    Sometimes, John swears his friends are more animal than human. -John, Davesprite

  • Trennungsagentur

    It takes him a whole month to track down Jake. A bloody month and Dirk refuses to let him take the easy route out. -Dirk, Jake