
  • Who says

    Who says that Arthur isn't right for Molly? Part of my Of Slytherins and Gryffindors AU.

  • What I have become

    He has changed, in a bad way.

  • The Sorting of Cedric Diggory

    Cedric's sorting in my new story, Fleur Delecor and the Philosopher's stone. Where Harry, Hermione, and Ron switch places with Fleur, Cedric, and Viktor Krum, respectivly. It's gonna be fun.

  • Where is the Fairness?

    Why can't anything be fair? Narcissa didn't mean for everything to go so wrong. I'm gonna do at least two more stories for this. Part of my For You AU.

  • Don't look for me, We will never stop looking

    Ron has himself convinced that he can't go back to Harry and Hermione. Harry and Hermione will find him, even if they have to tear the world apart to do it.

  • Follow the Cat

    Hermione follows her cat. And something amazing happens.

  • Actors, bleh

    Actor AU with some sci-fi. I think that's right.

  • The Children Longbottom

    Franky gets in a bit of trouble. And they meet the babies. Part of my Bronwen Weasley AU, though I might split the AU into a Longbottom Children AU. Genderbent Harry's Generation. Also, now the second story in the Children AU.

  • Mind Games

    Hermione helps her lover test a spell.

  • Spellbound

    I couldn't stop following him, I was spellbound. Choose your own characters AU

  • For Her

    He was willing to kneel on the floor for this girl. Lucius/Molly pairing. Background, not really mentioned, Arthur/Narcissa. Part of my For You AU.

  • Their Fault

    It was all their fault.

  • Communication

    Ron and Severus exchange a few letters.

  • Creation

    How did Wizards and Witches begin? Here is how.

  • Greengrass

    Daphne and Astoria Greengrass. Sisters.

  • Weather Problems

    Hermione hates the Weather sometimes. And others? She really hates it. Part of the American Teacher AU

  • The Visit

    Cedrella and Septimus Weasley visit their grandchildren! Baby Weasley kids, baby Ginny! Not part of a series.

  • He Loves Her

    James let his love go and watches her love his best friend. Sirius/Lily. James' POV

  • Friends With Benefits

    Ron and Hermione have many benefits in their friendship. First in the Living While Divorced AU.

  • A Cheesy Proposal

    Remus knows that Sirius is always one to go all out. Part of my Living While Divorced AU.