

  • caring for cory

    Shaw is terrified of hurting his best friend and/or watching him destroy himself

  • Ressurected

    "Harry it wasn't me Tom made me and Harry! You're hurt!" What happens if Harry did indeed die in the chamber of secrets or maybe he faked his death?

  • house of Anubis

    It's season four and Nina is coming back even though the Eddie Is there so what happens when she doesn't

  • following ward

    ye.Ward's brother what could go wrong?

  • wooden block

    Dragon and rider live as one

  • i love you

    Jason' dying, whats his last thoughs

  • goodbye brother (fitzskye)

    Skye tells a coma ridden fitz why she must leave again (book one of the elder brother series)

  • I lied for you Skye (fitzSkye)

    Fitz being the good elder brother lied so skye would be safe (book two of the elder brother series)

  • to end a thunderman

    pheobe thunderman is sick of living so one night she end it all and max being her twin blames himself *ONLY READ IF YOU ARE OVER SIXTEEN CONTAINS SUICIDE AND SELF HARM*

  • who to save

    Simmons has to choose between Skye and Fitz when both are shot by Quinn

  • healing skye

    can Ward and Fitz save Skye before it's to late

  • skyward proposal

    Ward asks a question to four people

  • kisses and camera

    Skye seeks advice of culson little does she know ward is sat just outside

  • so it is a snog box Clara?

    So football leads to dancing and kissing ok then...