

  • A Beginner’s Guide To Marauder Adventures

    All you need to know when creating a hysterical escapade with our three favourite boys plus one rat. [Parody]

  • Without A Face

    He wonders if she hates him as much as she should, if she fears him as much as he wants her to, if she's hurting as much as he hopes. DHr. Oneshot.

  • Taste Of Tears

    Beyond unspeakable, they were unthinkable. But that never stopped them. [Drabble]

  • Tormented

    Azkaban Drabble. They come. They go. They think. They hate.

  • Slither

    In times of war people live, breath and think in negatives. Written for the Valentine's Day Dramione Fic Exchange.

  • A Beginner's Guide To Dramione Romance

    All you need to know when constructing a beautiful love affair between sworn enemies. [Parody] REPOST

  • Secrets

    Malfoy and Hermione have a little chat. All dialogue. Drabble.

  • A Breath Of Wind

    The school is cold with disuse but Christmas Eve comes and Hogwarts has visitors. DHr. Oneshot.

  • Dead Star

    We belong in the night – My family and I. The ghost, the vampire, the little lost princess. There was Sirius the rebel, and then there was me. So desperate to shine in a world of dead stars. I paid the price.

  • Thestrals

    There was a legend. The War rains blood and clouded eyes watch. They are cursed.

  • Eve

    Founder ficlet...ish. Even as the blood moon rises you trust and wait, because they showed you there was hope in a world when magic seemed to wane. Drabble.

  • Hypothetical Professions Of Love

    Lily is struggling under the wieght of responsibility and James tries to get her to take a break.One shot

  • An Intermediate Guide to Dramione Romance

    Taking your enemy matchmaking to the next level. We hope to steer you in the right direction in your PostHBP stories, whether you are taking note of the book or not. [Parody]

  • Candles

    As a child she dreamt of white horses. The battle has begun and Mr Granger would do anything to give his daughter her fairytale ending. Drabble.

  • Whispers In The Dark

    Conversation your outlet in the dark and in the pain. His memory became your sanity. His voice became your world. You hated him, but in so many ways he saved you.

  • Boggarts

    A person’s greatest fear can tell you a lot about them. Drabble.

  • Greyscale

    He’s destroyed so much and still she tries to find someone to blame for who he is. TwoPart.

  • For I Have Sinned

    It's cold and he feels so alone. The battle is over and Seamus needs to confess. OneShot.

  • Tattered Green

    The scars are everywhere and yet they are determined to forget. Meaningless in the wake of the War and still nothing's changed. One shot

  • When Memory Ends

    She lost herself in that war. Her world reduced to black and white and she remembers them. One shot