
  • The Jane Doll Chronicles

    Jester and his little Jane doll can cause trouble sometimes. (Jester/Jane)

  • A Quiet Corner

    "Perhaps being alone doesn't always have to be lonely" (Sir Theodore/Jane)

  • Ageless Admirations

    Jane admires a portrait of a knight that hangs in the throne room, but she doesn't know the identity. While she tries to solve the mystery, Sir Theodore seems to stand in the way. What happens when Sir Theodore proposes to Jane? Will she follow her duty to her mentor or the duty to herself? (Jane/Sir Theodore )

  • Where's My Shoe?

    Jester and his excuses to steal some attention. (Jester/Jane)

  • Finding Gunther's Voice

    After returning from a business trip with his father, Gunther seems different. Finding out that he'll no longer be training to be a knight and will remain on the castle as slave due to a injury, Jane is devastated. With help from a time traveler, can she makes things right? (J/G, J/J, and J/OC implied)

  • The Season For Dragon

    Do Dragons have a mating season? (Jane/Dragon)

  • The Boring Blacksmith

    What does Smithy do when his honor and manhood are challenged? (Smithy/Jane)

  • Jester of the Opera

    Jane is a palace singer who dreams to become a knight who's friend with the Kipper Phantom, a silly man who runs around with a half mask who loves Jane's company. Will Jane get to see that face behind the mask? Will Jane's bodyguard Gunther have something to say about all this? A comedy that's loosely based off Jane and the Dragon and Phantom of the opera.

  • I Sea My Fear

    Jester and his thoughts about his day at the beach.

  • Let Us Overcome the Hate and Pass Through the Storm

    Gunther is ready to change his relationship with Jane but it ain't going to be easy. After a series of events he'll be given three days to prove his feelings are true, but at the end of the three days will he prove victorious? Will he lose her to Jester? And How is Jane, Jester, and Gunther connected? Read and find out. NOW COMPLETE!

  • Reminiscing

    "Would I live my life over again if I could? Yes I would, for it was truly a happy life" Jane looks over the land of Kippernium while reminiscing her life.

  • Did you kiss me?

    On Submaton Color anything can happen. Because of circumstance, maybe my feelings will come to surface. (Marin/Melan)

  • Shaken Ground

    Jane thought that nothing could break her friendship with Jester, but nothing could have prepared Jane for Jesters sudden love confession. When Jane asks Jester if they could just stay friends Jester gives her an ultimatum. What will she do? Will she be with Jester or will they part ways? Does she love him as a man or as a friend? (Jane/Jester)

  • Submaton Color Feelings

    Through the peaceful mood of Submaton Color, Melan comes to understand what is the most cherished feelings that humans of the funny world care for the most. Marin uses this peaceful time to convey her true feelings. (Marin/Melan)

  • Pepper and the Mysterious Girl

    Three castle boys see a mysteries girl dancing in the shadows on three different occasions, who exactly is she? Is she an intruder, wanting to cause harm? Is she a girl of the court? Or is she the last person you suspect? (Rake/Pepper) (Jane/ Jester)

  • Going Through Time With You

    Me and Gunther somehow traveled into the future from the year 814 to 2014. With the help of the current castle staff, can me and Gunther get back home? Will I ever see everyone I love again? Will I ever be able to tell the castle boys my true feelings? Will I fall for Gunther, Jester, or for Jesters descent? Is Dragon still alive? Is someone hiding an important secret? NOW COMPLETE

  • Gunther, With a Dash of Pepper

    One morning Gunther was hungry, so he went to the kitchen. But what he found was more than he bargained for, it was Pepper still asleep. Captivated by her beauty, he causes trouble that results with him having kitchen duty for a week. Will he get bored of her or is there more to Pepper than being a good cook? Can Pepper tame the rebellious Gunther? (Gunther/Pepper) (Jester/Jane)

  • The Mystery of The Missing Jingly Hat

    Jesters hat is missing, so he goes to Jane for help. They begin their investigation in the dungeons, but is there more down there than they thought? What secrets will they unfold in the dungeons? Is there more behind the reason of the missing hat? And what secret is Jane hiding? Jane/Jester

  • Let's Get Caught In The Rain

    Jane and Jester search for the princesses lost toy but suddenly it rains really hard do. Do they run for cover or do they appreciate the beauty of the rain? Dancing and loving life isn't that what it's all about, or is it who you're with that makes the journey fun? Jane/Jester

  • Crazy Over You

    Walking into the castle gates and taking a look into the courtyard, there is Jane practicing her skills on dummy. When I saw her, I feel as though I'll barf out my heart, my lungs burn as I try to keep my breath steady, my legs feel like pudding, and my eyes burn trying to hold back tears. What is it about her that sends my body into chaos? Gunther/Jane