
  • Anniversaries

    DAYDverse ficlet, written in September for the 24-hour minicontest on the LJ community, for the prompt 'Anniversaries'.

  • The Song of the WiraPurú

    "Everything could be a dream... The real question is whether you want to wake up." A research trip to the Amazon forest changes everything. Written for hp canon fest on LJ, from March 2011.

  • Remembrance

    Ollivander and Luna recall their captivity. Written for the Anniversary contest on the Daydverse Lj community.

  • Full Moon

    Teddy Lupin's first full moon.

  • Sacrifice

    Moments in the Battle of Hogwarts, through Ginny's eyes. Daydverse story, written for 09 Battle of Hogwarts contest.

  • Riding Lessons

    Learning is much more fun when your friends are your teachers. Hannah Abbot, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan. A DAYDverse ficlet.