
public static void

  • Rey de la Sal y de la Roca

    Balon no es cualquier Lord de Westeros, es el Hijo del Viento Marino, el Lord Segador de Pyke. Él es el Señor de las Islas de Hierro, el que pagando el precio de hierro se hará Rey.

  • Victoire

    It's just then, when Victoire's eyes cross with hers, when Fleur feels what true bliss is.

  • I'll hunt you

    It bothers me when I recall those time we laughed together, and how we lost them all.

  • Unique and perfect

    Cedric has noticed quite a few things about Hermione that make her the perfect girl.

  • Mirror, mirror

    Harry gets another encounter with the Mirror of Erised, and he realises how time can change his life, but never the deepest desire of his heart: a family.

  • Here comes the rain again

    She wanted something else and George knew exactly what to give her. Written for the Rainy Days Drabble Challenge in HPFC.

  • The Fat Lady: a portrait's story

    It hurt to be forgotten, to notice how each year that passed, the students would be even less interested in her name. It hurt to be called the name that made her hate herself.

  • Stalkers Anonymous

    Scorpius Malfoy gets everything he wants without really trying, except for Lily Potter.

  • Fallen leaves on the bloody ground

    Nothing got better after the war, at least not for those who lost everyone the loved.

  • To wither is not an option

    AU: Petunia Evans, Lily's little sister, goes to Hogwarts wanting to be recognised by what she is: herself. Then again, in these dark times the only thing she wants is to survive with her family and friends unmarked by the darkness of the war.

  • When light begins to fade

    Everything and anything can change by the hands of destiny. In this case, it wasn't Ronald Bilius Weasley the one who was born the first day of March in 1980, but Rosalind Brienne Weasley: the first Weasley-born girl in seven generations.

  • Of depressing days and a perfect Espresso

    Her life wasn't as good as she had planned it to be: she felt lonely. Every Sunday was a reminder of how she had no one but herself and her kneazle.

  • Long waits and homework

    She couldn't do more than stare across the hall, waiting to be noticed and maybe reciprocated. It never happened in the three years she waited. Drabble. Femslash