
  • The Cerebral Coordination of Ginny Weasley

    When you get caught dancing in your underwear... HarryGinny

  • Hedwig

    Hedwig was Harry's first friend.

  • Here I Come

    I guess I should feel guilty. I miss you more than I've ever missed them. Maybe I feel this way because you were always the one who helped me through loved ones’ deaths… now that you're not here, I don't know how to get through yours. HarryGinny

  • Sing a Song

    Harry is feeling down after Dumbledore's funeral and breaking up with Ginny, so Ron, surprisingly, talks some sense into him. Harry tries to get back together with Ginny, but she is making him do something special before he can have that privilege. HG

  • Miss Marge Dursley

    Let me show you the happy, kind, sly, and talented sides of Miss Marge Dursley. I will tell you all about her. She enjoys KFC, dog competitions, and Tom Cruise in tight, sexy spandex. The second story in the Omitted series. Warning: written by a 12-yr-old

  • Saved by a Prick

    Lily Evans was sitting by the Hogwarts lake while it was about a million degrees outside. And it was all because of the Marauders. What happens when Lily decides that she can't take the heat anymore and decides to a swim?

  • Pure, Horrible Chaos

    A battle raged... young, elderly, and females fell... death.... and all because of the leader and the Other.... first in the Omitted series.