

  • summer boy

    On a Lazy Summer day, Moony and Padfoot decide to go to a creek. SLASH

  • Reverse Psychology

    James tries badly to cheer Remus up, after he is publicly humiliated, using reverse psychology and fails , and Sirius realizes how beautiful Remus truly is. Pre-Slash. Sirius' POV

  • NEWT Scores

    DRABBLE, and Implied SB/RL. Remus gets his N.E.W.T scores back... and is less than pleased. This is for narcissZONK.

  • Eighteen Years

    Remus and Sirius have been together for eighteen years, and today is their Anniversary

  • It's a Quidditch Thing

    Okay, so most of you have probably heard of the show MadTV. This is based off the sketch 'It's a Football Thing.' Light Slash

  • Wand of Destiny

    So while rereading 'DH' I noticed MULTIPLE sexual innuendos, and thus, this little PWP ficcy was born. M for smut.

  • Best Friends

    Remus Lupin and Lily Evens are best friends. No RL/LE, but there WILL be a hint of RL/SB and LE/JP

  • Things Hogwarts Students Are Not Allowed To Do

    A list of things Hogwarts Students are not allowed to do. no slash. These will include lists for James, Sirius, Snape, Remus, and if you give me a suggestion I'll try to do that one too.

  • Of Tinsel And Candy Canes

    KINKY CHRISTMAS THEMED SMUT! sort of a sequel to 'Have You Been a Good Boy', but not really. ...There's not really a plot...

  • FilthyGorgeous

    Sirius is filthy and Remus is Gorgeous. Plotless Smut. Songfic

  • Letting Yourself Be Impressed

    Remus explains what love is and tells Lily that she needs to let herself be impressed, and Lily has no idea how to do that. Slight SB/RL and pre-JP/LE. Takes place sixth year. ONESHOT

  • So You Want To Be A Death Eater?

    JOIN THE DEATH EATERS results not typical, your experience may vary. Side effects may include fear of snakes, torture, mind control, being defeated by 1 year olds and death. Mudbloods need not apply.

  • 51 Things Severus Snape Is Not Allowed To Do

    The title is pretty self explanatory. List. No Pairings

  • Have You Been a Good Boy?

    Why is Sirius dressed as Santa? And why is Remus whispering naughty things in his ear? Rated for Christmas related innuendos. It's short. I know. ENJOY!

  • Sassy Gay Friend

    Lily is heartbroken. Her boyfriend has just dumped her and Lily is going to spend all day in bed. This is avoided because she has a Sassy Gay Friend. I own nothing. It all belongs to someone else.

  • Quaffel Red Hair

    James proposes to Lily, with a badly written poem. Slight mentions of RL/SB.

  • Small Malnourished Male Children

    A super, super short oneshot. Lily and Petunia are shopping. Thats all, really. THis used to just be a part of '100 Moments' but I wanted to put it by itself. No pairings.

  • Loveliest Creature

    Padfoot writes his Moony a poem.

  • We Can't Let Them Feel The Love Tonight!

    James and Peter can't let Sirius and Remus feel the love tonight. If they do it will ruin the Marauder schematic and their Maraudering days with Wormtail and Prongs will be history! SB/RL No likey, no ready. Flames will be used for roasting weenies.

  • Just Breathe

    Remus has a panic attack during a Potions test. 'M' for cussing. No pairings.