
  • Lily, Did You Know?

    Lily, did you know / that your Baby Boy is the child of prophecy?

  • Look and At and Me

    Tell the ones that need to know / Things are headed south.

  • Desperate-Sick

    You'll fall for me soon enough, I've dosed you, love.

  • Nostalgia

    It would be that moment, that afternoon, that day, years and years later Severus would always remember when he said, "Expecto Patronum." One-Shot. Canon-Compliant. For xxxLeanniexxx.

  • Sometimes You Learn

    Five firsts between Anthony Goldstein and Parvati Patil and one last. A collection of drabbles.

  • All Is Well

    Eileen and Lottie say their first words, much to the delight of their parents and Darla. AU. Part III of Family Branches. One-Shot.

  • A Tiny Miracle

    Lily had just meant to buy a book for Marlene's birthday. AU. Part II of Family Branches. One-Shot.

  • Kin

    Rodney had come to Scotland to visit his wife's family. He never thought he would run into his long-lost (and presumed dead!) cousin. AU. Part XI of Family Branches. One-Shot.

  • Photograph

    Following Severus's death, Eileen and Essie take it upon themselves to clean out their father's office. AU. Part X of Family Branches. One-shot

  • A Little Hell

    A trip to Hogsmeade turns eventful when Lottie wanders off. AU. Part VI of Family Branches. One-shot.

  • Our Simple Dramas

    What happens when you give a little girl a biscuit? She wants another, of course. However, how they go about getting that biscuit is as different as each girl. Plus an additional scene with Severus and his mother. Part V of Family Branches.

  • Secrets

    Truths are brought to light when Essie brings a stack of Severus's and his mother's yearbooks to the Snape family's attention. AU. Part IX of Family Branches. One-shot.

  • We're On Our Way

    Sometimes, a little push is needed to form a life-long friendship. Luckily for Harry, Darla has the perfect idea for a "push" that will bring, him, Granger, and the littlest Weasley boy together. AU. Part VIII of Family Branches. One-Shot.

  • Summer Skeletons

    They rode their brooms together all the time. Aside from the occasional near run-in with the Whomping Willow, they had always been okay. That changed one irrecoverable spring day and, suddenly, Darla Snape's summer was put on a course she would never have predicted. AU. Part VII of Family Branches. Complete.

  • Reminders

    While running an errand for his father in Diagon Alley, Remus gets a glimpse into the life and family of one Severus Snape. AU. Part IV of Family Branches. One-Shot.

  • Black Eyes

    When his mother insisted he come home for Christmas hols during his fifth year to share some important news, Severus came up with dozens of possible, not-so-possible, and impossible theories about what she could have to announce. This, though, he never dreamed it would be this. First War W/Voldemort. AU. Part I of Family Branches series. Complete.

  • Look At These Photographs

    "I was wonderin', actually, if yeh migh' have some photos o' Lily yeh wouldn' mind sparin' fer the album." One-Shot. Canon-Compliant. For rebecca-in-blue.

  • Saudade

    "Andromeda?" she whispered, sounding both awed and terribly frightened. "Yes," Andromeda answered, throat constricting, and tears pricking at the back of her eyes. Lucius nudged Narcissa back from her. "She can't be, Narcissa," he told her in a voice that was both gentle and disbelieving. "She's too old." AU. De-aged Narcissa Malfoy, De-aged Lucius Malfoy.

  • Usurprer

    "It is not so bad, my dear," Mother soothed. "You'll die a rich, successful, well-adventured man." Still crying, he whimpered, "What if all I want is to die happy?" One-shot.

  • Gratias Vobis Ago

    This is a collection of one-shots written for ten reviewers of my story, "They Didn't Know We Were Seeds", to celebrate it reaching one thousand reviews. Currently: Lily watches on as Severus tutors Scabior and Regulus. Previously: Severus reflects after he returns from his and Lily's original timeline.