Angel's demonic shadow 26

  • Sonic and the mystery of the Blanks

    After being sent by the corporation to investigate a sudden disappearance of certain ponies in planet Equis. Shadowstar, Sonic, and other people from the multiverse must find out the secret of sunny town and why Chris keeps seeing this sprit named Ruby. Rated M for gore and harsh language.

  • Different yet equally insane

    Brutalight Sparcake was out for an evening stroll when she came across a strange boy who seems to be foolishly challenging her... But is he as weak as she think she is? Rated T for mild language.

  • Tirek vs A weak boy Or is he?

    Tirek had finally won, after forcing young princess Twilight to give up her powers to save her friends, he can almost taste victory, but he never suspected to have a strange teenage looking bipedal creature be the only thing left in his way. Who is this creature named... Joshua?