Tempted Sacrifice

  • Weak

    "Because in the end, they both kill you." One-shot

  • Her eyes

    "He got the urge to quench the light in them, to watch as they dulled, becoming mudbrown, just like they should be." Rated T to be safe. One-shot. Takes place during HPB. AU

  • Captured

    The minutes ticked by, and soon the moonlight shining in from the crevice disappeared, leaving her in complete darkness, pondering when life had started to go downhill. One-shot. Rated T to be safe.

  • The Art of Slaughter

    "Laughter escaped my lips as I took in the scene." One-shot.

  • One more step

    "The feeling was nauseating, like chains pressing tightly and crushing her, leaving her panting when she arrived at a cliff, looking out over the ice covered sea." Rated M. One-shot.

  • My Angel

    "Im sorry my Angel." Rated T to be safe. AU. One-shot.

  • The Last Letter

    That was the last picture taken of us before he disappeared. AU, One-shot.

  • The Love That Destroyed Everything

    Hermione Granger walked into the Forbidden Forest, clutching her coat tightly in her hands to keep the cold away. Tears were slowly falling down her cheeks as she stumbled over roots in the dark. AU, One-shot.

  • The Petrified Lioness

    It's in the Trio's second year when Hermione get's petrified. The rest you get to read and find out. Isn't quite sure what genre it is.

  • Bitter Sweet Tears

    Hermione loves Harry, who's in love in Ginny, or so she thinks. Rated T to be safe. One-shot, AU.

  • I love you too

    Hermione is crying in the Great Hall, wondering why she has to love someone who hates her.

  • The way I love you

    A sort of Sequel to He loves me? Draco's thoughts about Hermione through the years. Hope you like it!

  • For the Greater Good

    The Malfoy Manor, Hermione POV. Canon. One-shot.

  • He loves me?

    Hermione and Draco are talking after the War. AU. Sequel is up. The Way I love You.

  • I'll always remember you

    Hermione thinks about what happened during the Great War. AU.

  • Move on

    Hermione Granger have to say good bye, if she ever wants to move on with her life.

  • A world without you, isn't the world for me

    This is a story I wrote a few months ago.

  • Goodbye

    Ginny is up in the Astronomy tower to clear her head when she finds a letter from one of her best friends.